Good Faith Public Notice for All Jurisdictions

Public Notice  Fee Schedule

Saturday, 21 February 2009 05:45 



Addressed to:

All and any User(s) and PCC(s) (see definitions)

Date: 28 August 2009 CE.

Registered Mail No: 357 688 979

1           Definitions

1.1            "Leon-Robert: Duffus"

("Leon-Robert: Duffus") means: the non-fiction flesh and blood man created by God the Leon-Robert: Duffus circa 1983 CE with unlimited and unalienable rights and freedoms Dieu-Et Mon Droit.  The red upper and lower case name with the full colon Leon-Robert: Duffus is the proper noun name with God given rights, (DIEU-ET MON DROIT) unlimited and unassailable rights, freedoms and true sovereign state, such as but not limited to belief in God, dominion over all the earth, self preservation and protection of his good self, family, friends and property(ies).  

Ancient custom has existed from ancient times before legal memory that the non-fiction flesh and blood man the Leon-Robert: Duffus circa 1983 CE is a creation of God and having residence in the Kingdom of God and being a direct descendant of God, as is anciently known and has always been, from one of the books of Law such as the, "King James Bible", as follows:

1.        "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." - Mattew. 5:4; and

2.        "and God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.  And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Genisis 1:26-29

3.        "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you." - 1 Corinthians. 3:16; and Hence anyone that harms the body of Leon-Robert: Duffus is harming/attacking/insulting God's property and God.

4.        Royalty have titles/status and claims that: God gives them rights, based on notice and self made claims, therefore Leon-Robert: Duffus by public Notice(s) is also a flesh and blood man made by God with unlimited rights and freedoms given by God that no fiction entities or non-fiction man or woman can take away; and

5.        "all men/women are born equal", as stated by the United Nations, and must therefore must be equal in the eyes of man-made law as well as God's laws, therefore Leon-Robert: Duffus is equal to all and any other man or woman.   As per the maxim, "fiction must always yield to non-fiction", Leon-Robert: Duffus is above all fictional entities no matter how high their fictional status or title(s) may be; and thus all legal fiction PPC must yield to Leon-Robert: Duffus;

6.        "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Mathew 6: 24.

7.        The Canadian charter of rights and freedoms states that God is supreme and is binding on the Canadian Government, of the Canadian Government Agent(s), Crown(s), and/or all PPC. (UK equivalent, UN Declaration of Human rights)


God is Leon-Robert: Duffus 's father in heaven that has given Leon-Robert: Duffus unlimited God given rights, freedoms, intelligence, creativity and with the right to lay claim(s) and create unlimited value(s) for Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is the master of LRD and God is the only Master of Leon-Robert: Duffus.  


God is the Prime Creator and Leon-Robert: Duffus is a minor of God in the eyes of God until the time Leon-Robert: Duffus has been able to ascend and re-member, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." - Mattew 5:4.  Until such time, God is the, "Guardian in Trust", of Leon-Robert: Duffus and the actions of Leon-Robert: Duffus are deemed to be those of God and/or the "Guardian in Trust".   Leon-Robert: Duffus is a minor of God in the eyes of God until proven otherwise to the satisfaction of Leon-Robert: Duffus and all the people of England.


Leon-Robert: Duffus Circa 1983 CE refers to the eternal sentient Soul incarnate as a flesh and blood man created by God, a child and a direct relation of God, governed by God and God's laws.  God is the father of Leon-Robert: Duffus and is the father in heaven of all creation and thus no man can be a stranger to any other man, and the whole world is part of the garden and/or Kingdom of God.  God gave dominion over the whole world to each man and woman so that each man and woman is free and sovereign, and is free to seek happiness, enlightenment and to go forth and multiply.


Leon-Robert: Duffus is the "Owner", "Holder In Due Course", and "Priority Claimant", of all the Trade-names/Trademarks, Common Law Copy-Claim/Copyrights, and Legal Fictions and/or Person(s) and/or corporations such as but not limited to LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™  and/or LEON DUFFUS and/or LRD and/or any previous or similar spellings of the name that may be confused as LRD and all variations of the name(s) LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™, and Leon Robert Duffus ©™.  Leon-Robert: Duffus has all the God given rights and freedoms to help any man, woman or child that asks for help in any way that God commands and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus deems necessary.  


The "Legal Fiction", LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™, also known as Leon-Robert: Duffus ©™, also known as Leon Robert Duffus©™ are not to be confused with the, "non-fiction", Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Any and all commercial activity is conducted by LRD even though LRD may at any time be receiving STEPP from Leon-Robert: Duffus.  PPC and User(s) do not have the right to presume that commercial activity conducted in the presence of Leon-Robert: Duffus is conducted by Leon-Robert: Duffus.


Leon-Robert: Duffus Circa 1983 AD is a flesh and blood man created by God and a direct descendant of God, governed by God and God's laws. 

Leon-Robert: Duffus is not a child of any municipality, colony, territory or province or of the CROWN/Crown and the UNITED KINGDOM Leon-Robert: Duffus is a child of God the almighty God and a child of the Kingdom of God.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is very capable by God's authority of handling and taking care of his own affairs and keeping dominion over that which is in the care of Leon-Robert: Duffus according to Gods will as set forth in God's words. It is the faith and belief of Leon-Robert: Duffus that God is our Master and no one else.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is a man and thus is heir and assign to the covenant in the King James Version of the Bible that God is supreme and has given man, in this case Leon-Robert: Duffus dominion(s) such as but not limited to dominion over the animals and the world according to God's will.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (sic.) whose faith and belief are based on the King James Version of the Bible swore an affirmation/oath to defend and uphold the faith.  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (sic.)  as protector and defender of the faith and belief based on the King James Version of the Bible, therefore acknowledges the dominion over the world given by God to the man Leon-Robert: Duffus and shall defend and uphold the dominion of Leon-Robert: Duffus and shall not have any of her loyal servants or superiors and/or Principal(s) claim or act in any way that might abridge Leon-Robert: Duffus God given rights in any way shape or form on penalty of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (sic.)  and any of her superiors and/or Principal(s) such as the Crown(s) forfeiting all claim(s) of legitimacy and/or to representing God and/or acting on God's behalf and to forfeit any/and all Property(ies), hereditary titles and any claim(s) to any portion of God's creation;

1.2            "LRD"

("LRD") means: the legal fiction name(s) and/or natural Person(s), and/or individual(s) LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™  et al and/or any previous names of LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ as well as any and all derivatives and/or alphanumerical variations and/or deviations in the spelling and/or ordering thereof and/or names containing the afore mentioned legal fiction name(s) or similar spellings of the name that may be confused as LRD and all variations of the name(s) LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ , and/or all legal identifiers including, but not limited to "we", "our", "I",  "our(s)", "himself", and "us" and a partial list of such names and variations thereof for natural Person(s) subject to Copy-Claim/Copyright and Trademark of Leon-Robert: Duffus includes but is not limited to LEON DUFFUS©™  and/or “LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™2001”, “LEON R DUFFUS”, "DUFFUS LEON ROBERT", “DUFFUS, Leon Robert”, ,“L DUFFUS”,  “Leon Robert DUFFUS",, "L. R. DUFFUS ", "Mr. DUFFUS ", (Mr. Leon DUFFUS et al), "Mr. L. DUFFUS ",  LEON DUFFUS,  " DUFFUS. L", " DUFFUS, Leon ", "L. Duffus",  "Mr. Duffus ", "Mr. L. R. Duffus ", Leon, " Duffus, L", "Mr. L. R. Duffus " and any of the preceding names and/or natural Person(s) that use "Mr.", Mister, Esquire, "Esq.", MS, "Miss.", "Mrs." or any other associated identifiers.  Some variations of LEON DUFFUS © 2001™ et al include but are not limited to Leon DUFFUS ©2001™, " DUFFUS Leon©™2001", LEON DUFFUS ©2001™, DUFFUS Leon ©2001™, "DUFFUS. L©2001™"," DUFFUS, Leon ©2001™", "L. DUFFUS ©2001™", "L. Duffus©2001™", "Mr. Duffus ©2001™", "Mr. DUFFUS ©2001™", "Mr. L. DUFFUS © 2001™", "Mr. Leon Duffus ©2001™", "Mr. Duffus, Leon ©2001™", "Mr. Duffus, L ©2001™", "Mr. L. Duffus ©2001™".  "LRD" has the capacity to act as an Alleged Defendant and use legal identifiers including but not limited to "Alleged Defendant Appellant", "Alleged Respondent", "Alleged Accused", "Alleged Debtor(s)".  "LRD" has the capacity to act as an Alleged Plaintiff and use legal identifiers including but not limited to, "Alleged Plaintiff", "Alleged Complainant", "Alleged Accuser", "Alleged Petitioner", "Alleged Litigant", and LRD is in this capacity the "Secured Party", Priority Claimant, owned, controlled and the Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus.  LRD is created and designed by Leon-Robert: Duffus and Leon-Robert: Duffus provides LRD STEPP and/or services in order to facilitate that LRD can do business with the legal fiction world created and/or supported by government(s), the de facto Government of United Kingdom/UNITED KINGDOM, Crown(s), Lawyer(s), Judge(s), civil servant(s), politician(s), Police, PPC, banker(s), corporation(s), legal fiction entities and their Agent(s). LRD is the Authorized Representative(s) of Leon-Robert: Duffus.  LRD has the right to lay claim(s) and create unlimited value(s) for LRD.  LRD has the capacity to act as an authorized debt collector having worldwide jurisdiction, trustee, fiduciary, and in any manner authorized by Leon-Robert: Duffus for administering dominion over all the earth since Leon-Robert: Duffus is authorized by God according to Genesis 1:26-29 of the King James Bible. Leon-Robert: Duffus is therefore authorized by his father in heaven to receive help and assistance in any such administering of Leon-Robert: Duffus dominion from any PPC having honour and legitimacy in the Kingdom of God.  Refusal of such help and assistance to Leon-Robert: Duffus shall be evidence of the illegitimacy and dishonour of such PPC making the refusal.  


Any God given right and/or claim that is claimed by any man or woman is claimed by Leon-Robert: Duffus and any man or woman that would deny Leon-Robert: Duffus any claim(s) and/or God given right(s) immediately consents and agrees that all their own rights and claims are null and void.


LRD is with the capacity to act as the "Owner", "Holder In Due Course", and "Priority Claimant", of all the Trade-names/Trademarks, Common Law Copy-Claim/Copyrights, and Legal Fictions and/or Person(s) and/or corporations such as but not limited to LEON DUFFUS©™ and/or LEON DUFFUS©™2001 and/or LRD and/or any previous or similar spellings of the name that may be confused as LRD and all variations of the name(s) LEON DUFFUS©™, and Leon Duffus©™. 


All "legal fiction" name(s) such as but not limited to LEON DUFFUS©™ and/or LEON DUFFUS©™2001 are corporations setup and operated by Leon-Robert: Duffus so as not to soil the hands with the legal fiction world, leaving Leon-Robert: Duffus free to pursue the "non-fiction" world and the LAW of God.  User(s) are consenting and agreeing that LEON DUFFUS©™ has the final say, the priority judgement, and priority authority over all matters and transactions with any User(s) at all times.  Everything shall be presumed to be to the advantage of LRD when not stated in writing to the contrary and where there is a dispute LRD shall have the determining authority as to what is reasonable and what is not reasonable in regards to any business or transaction(s) involving LRD.  LRD is Copyrighted and Trademarked by Leon-Robert: Duffus pursuant to Notice(s) and/or public Notice(s).  Any Usage of LRD Copyrighted and Trademarked materials by any User(s) are subject to LRD Instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  All rights are explicitly reserved by LRD at all times and no rights are waved at any time by LRD;


A legal fiction is a figment of our imagination and nothing more, made in the minds of men and women, not God made, a corporation, Person(s) or an individual and does not exist in the eyes of God or in the eyes of any intelligent man or woman, only as a means of doing business in the fiction world of commerce, codified laws and the fiction courts that use codified systems of extreme complication and legalizes as a way of controlling the people.  For this reason, the meaning of the all capital letter name or the all upper case name LEON DUFFUS is to clearly define it as a corporation, which is a Person(s) or individual.  The reason no one can set up a corporation using the upper and lower case name, is because a corporation must be in all capital letters as stated in the Trade Make Act section 9.1 K. and the flesh and blood must use the proper noun name in red upper and lower case letters with the full colon indicating a living breathing flesh and blood man or woman created by God.  This has always been the ancient custom and taught in schools for centuries that when writing we use nouns to describe people and nouns are the use of the upper and lower case or type and when people die on the grave stones their names change from upper and lower case noun names to the all capital names signifying they are now dead, which is where we get the word corporation from. 

 The word corporation comes from two Latin words that mean the following: (a) CORP as in corps = dead body (b) ORATION = speech discourse, address, lecture, sermon, proclamation.  The word CORP-ORATION means a "legal fiction entity" that has no rights or ability to talk or communicate as it is dead.  Fiction cannot talk, speak or act in any shape or form.  Therefore a CORPORATION must have some living being that can talk and speak for it or on its behalf, hence the reason a judge in a court of law orders that you get a lawyer or legal council to re-present you as a "fictitious entity" with no rights so the fictitious judge can treat you as the fictitious judge pleases.


A judge only sees a person or individual as an "it", a CORPORATION is an "it"! ... not as a living man or woman, which is why the judge tries to order the "it" to get a lawyer as the "it" cannot speak.  The "it" must have a lawyer to represent the "it".  Notice the word "represent" where RE- means to do again, and "PRESENT" means an appearance, manifestation, façade, outer shell, outward show, exterior or emergence.  A corporation, person or an individual in law has no rights, as it is a fiction, a figment of our imagination, a peace of paper and nothing more.  A figment of your imagination has no rights, in law a piece of paper has no rights and freedoms as any logic, rational and intelligent man or woman would agree, the law and the church have known this for a very long time.


All "legal fiction" name(s) of corporation(s) which are the legal terms for Person(s) and/or individual(s) and are legal fiction entities such as but not limited to LEON DUFFUS(c)(tm) is a corporation setup and operated by Leon-Robert: Duffus so as not to soil the hands with the filth, corruption, lies of the legal fiction world, leaving Leon-Robert: Duffus free to pursue the "non-fiction world" and the pursuit of the laws of God with as little interruption and contact as possible with the legal fiction world;

1.3            "Agency"

("Agency") means: every relation in which one Person(s) acts for or represents another by letter's authority, where one Person(s) acts for another, either in the relationship of Principal(s) and Agent(s), master and/or employer and servant, or and/or proprietor and independent contractor.  Properly speaking, agency relates to commercial or business transactions; 

1.4            "Agent(s)" 

("Agent(s)") means: Person (s) and/or PPC authorized by another to act for him/her/it, one instructed with another's business.  One who represents and acts for another under the contract or relation of Agency, a business representative, whose function is to bring about, modify, affect, accept performance of, or terminate contractual obligations between Principal(s) and third Person(s). One who undertakes to transact some business, or to manage some affair(s), for another, by the authority and/or on account of the latter, one who acts for or in place of another by authority for him/her, a substitute, a deputy, appointed by Principal(s) with power to do things which Principal(s) may do.  One who deals not only with things, but might establish contractual relations between his/her Principal(s) and third Person(s) in the course of their duties.  Examples of Agent(s) include but are not limited to the following: employee(s), contractor(s), subcontractor(s), and associate(s)/Person(s)/individual(s)/entities representing another and/or any government(s) and/or any Crown(s);

1.5            "Agent(s) of LRD"

("Agent(s) of LRD") means: Person(s) and/or Agent(s) authorized by LRD to act for LRD, one instructed with LRD business.  One who represents and acts for LRD under the contract or relation of Agency, a business representative, whose function is to bring about, modify, affect, accept performance of, or terminate contractual obligations between LRD and third Person(s). One who undertakes to transact some business, or to manage some affair(s), for LRD, by the authority and/or on account of the LRD, one who acts for or in place of LRD by authority for LRD, a substitute, a deputy, appointed by LRD with power to do things which LRD may do.  One who deals not only with things, but might establish contractual relations between LRD and third Person(s) in the course of their duties;

1.6            "Agent(s) of User(s)"

("Agent(s) of User(s)") means: Person(s) and/or Agent(s) authorized by another to act for User(s), one instructed with User(s) business.  One who represents and/or acts for User(s) under the contract or relation of Agency, a business representative, whose function is to bring about, modify, affect, accept performance of, or terminate contractual obligations between User(s) and third Person(s). One who undertakes to transact some business or to manage some affair(s) for User(s) by the authority and/or on account of User(s), one who acts for or in place of User(s) by authority of User(s), a substitute, a deputy, and/or a representative appointed by User(s) with power to do things which User(s) may do.  One who deals not only with things, but might establish contractual relations between his User(s) and third Person(s) in the course of their duties;

1.7            "Authorized Representative(s) of Leon-Robert: Duffus "

("Authorized Representative of Leon-Robert: Duffus ") means: Agent(s) of Leon-Robert: Duffus that is granted the power(s) to act on behalf of Leon-Robert: Duffus after receiving written autographed authority to do so from Leon-Robert: Duffus

1.8            "Authorized Representative(s) of LRD"

("Authorized Representative of LRD") means: Agent(s) of LRD that has been granted the power(s) to act on behalf of LRD after receiving signed authority to do so from LRD;

1.9            "Authorized Usage" 

("Authorized Usage") means: use and/or Usage of STEPP by an Authorized User(s) after receiving written and signed authorization from LRD specifying what the Authorized User(s) has permission to do.  Any Usage of STEPP by Authorized User(s) outside of that specified by LRD is Unauthorized Usage and Authorized User(s) will be invoiced as Unauthorized User(s) for such Usage of STEPP;

1.10         "Authorized User(s)" 

("Authorized User(s)") means: any User(s) that meets all the following five (5) requirements: 1) has applied for Authorized Usage from LRD, 2) has fully completed the application forms for Authorized User(s) and has given such to LRD, 3) has paid LRD the full annual license fees for Authorized Usage, 4) has been accepted and approved by LRD and, 5) has received written and signed consent from LRD specifying what authorization has been licensed to User(s) and for how long.  No application for the consent for Usage STEPP will be considered, that is not fully completed and having no omissions.  All application(s) for consent to become Authorized User(s) and for Usage of STEPP must be accompanied by the contact information of the applicant's limited liability insurer, policy number, applicant's photograph, any other information requested on the application form, and payment in full of fee(s) in full to LRD. All User(s) that have met the preceding five criterion and have valid authorized photo ID issued by LRD to that effect shall be considered Authorized User(s) for the duration of their Authorized User(s) license unless such privilege is revoked by LRD. In the event that any User(s) do not receive written consent from LRD and/or have not fulfilled all of these five (5) preceding requirements in this section, then such User(s) shall remain Unauthorized User(s). All User(s) that fail to fulfil all of the five (5) preceding requirements in this section shall be automatically an Unauthorized User(s).  

All User(s) that qualify as Authorized User(s) and receive a photo license ID shall be considered as Authorized User(s).  The Authorized User(s) photo license ID is renewable every year on or before its expiration date after the necessary forms are completed and the necessary fees are paid to LRD by the User(s).  The Authorized User(s) privilege and/or status may be revoked by LRD at any time for any reason without refund or further Notice(s) to User(s). The Authorized User(s) privilege is not transferable at any time for any reason;

1.11         "Bill(s)"

("Bill(s)") means: a financial instrument that transfers Property(ies) from one party to another;

1.12         "Contracting Parties"

 ("Contracting Party(ies)") means: all PPC such as but not limited to the following: all Clients, Person(s), Individual(s), Corporation(s), Natural Person(s), Juristic Person(s), Corporation Sole(s), Crown(s), Alien(s), Employee(s), all Legal Fiction(s) Entities and/or their Agent(s) and/or Representative(s). Any party(ies) and/or User(s) and/or PPC making Offer(s) to do business and/or accepting to do business with LRD.  Any party(ies) and/or PPC that did or do possess STEPP;

1.13         "Copy-Claim/Copyright Notice(s)" 

("Copy-Claim/Copyright Notice(s)") means: all rights reserved regarding the Common-Law copy-claim/copyright of the name LRD and/or any part of STEPP.  All PPC, entities, individuals, Person(s), and/or User(s) that uses, trades, sells, distributes, traffics or are in possession of any part of STEPP are contractually consenting and agreeing to this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and shall be considered as User(s).  User(s) shall not use, display, reproduce in whole or in part, nor otherwise use in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to being in possession of, using or abusing any part of STEPP without full written and signed authorization from LRD and full payment of annual fees made to LRD.   The Common-law copy-claim/right described herein made by Leon-Robert: Duffus neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any Unauthorized Usage of STEPP, and all such Unauthorized Usage is strictly invoiced.  All Usage of STEPP by User(s) shall be invoiced at the option of LRD;

1.14         "Costs" 

("Costs") means: any Expenses associated with court procedures and or court proceedings but not limited to afore mentioned and/or any outlay or expenditure of money, time, labour, or trouble. The price paid to acquire, produce, accomplish or maintain anything, a sacrifice, loss or penalty, charge, Infraction(s). Any money allowed to a successful party in a lawsuit in compensation for legal Expenses incurred chargeable to the unsuccessful party.  LRD must always receive from User(s) all Costs for any court procedures that LRD is the successful party of and LRD must always receive from User(s) all at least two (2) times the Costs for any court procedures that LRD is the unsuccessful party of;

1.15         "Creditor(s)"

("Creditor(s)") means: LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus;

1.16         "Crown(s)"

("Crown(s)") means: any Crown(s)(sic.), CROWN(s)(sic.), KING(s), QUEEN(s), Pope(s), POPE(s), Lord Mayor LORD MAYOR, Mayor Of London MAYOR OF LONDON, Crown(s) Agent(s), all Principal(s) and/or Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) of the Crown(s)(sic.), CROWN(s)(sic.), KING(s), QUEEN(s), Pope(s), POPE(s), Lord Mayor LORD MAYOR, Crown(s) Agent(s);

1.17         "Crown(s) Agent(s)"

("Crown(s) Agent(s)") means: any Crown(s), any PPC that is an Agent(s) of the Crown(s), any servant(s) of the Crown(s), any PPC that is an Agent(s) of any of the following including but not limited to: Crown(s), Crown(s) Colony(ies)(sic.), Crown(s) State(s) and/or State(s), Crown(s) Receiver(s), Crown(s) banking system(s), Crown(s) government(s), BAR, Temple Bar(sic), Crown(s) subsidiaries, AUSTRALIA(sic.), Australia(sic),  CANADA(sic.), Canada(sic.), ENGLAND(sic.), England(sic.), UNITED KINGDOM (sic), United Kingdom, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, United States of America(sic.), Australian government(s), Canadian government(s) (sic.), British government(s) (sic.), and/or USA(sic.), United States of America government(s)(sic.), all Principal(s) of the Crown(s), any government(s) of any of the commonwealth countries and their Crown(s), any PPC that has/is/will receive benefit(s) from Crown(s);

1.18         "Debtor(s)"

("Debtor(s)") means: any party, Person(s), PPC, Unauthorized User(s) and Authorized User(s) that have not settled outstanding debt(s) with LRD pursuant to this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 or any previous agreements such as but not limited to any LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and/or LRD Fee Schedule(s);

1.19         "Dieu-Et Mon Droit"

("Dieu-Et Mon Droit") means: God gives me rights;

1.20         "ECCF"

("ECCF") means: all Expenses, Costs Court Costs, and a fee(s) no less than two times the value of any court Costs shall be invoiced by LRD to any and all User(s) involved in any court proceedings with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus.  ECCF shall always be invoiced such that LRD shall always make a minimum of at least 100% profit on all Costs, court Costs, transaction(s), orders, Usage, STEPP.  ECCF also means that in addition to any fixed value LRD invoices User(s) for any particular Usage there shall be additional fees invoiced to User(s) for any additional time, Costs, travel time, and travel accommodations required by LRD for such Usage.  Use of the term court Costs does not imply acknowledging that any alleged court is in fact a court;  

1.21         "Expenses"

("Expenses") means: charge(s) and/or expenditure(s), additional time, Costs, travel time, LRD fees, incurred by LRD in the course of doing business with User(s) and/or resulting from doing business with User(s). Charges incurred in fulfilling User(s) Offer(s), order(s), demand(s), requests for service(s) and/or STEPP and/or the providing of STEPP for User(s) by LRD; 

1.22         "Fair and valuable consideration"

("Fair and valuable consideration") means: a class of consideration upon which a promise may be founded, which entitles the promisee to enforce his claim against an unwilling promisor.  A gain or loss to either party is not essential, it is sufficient if the party in whose favour the contract is made parts with a right which he might otherwise exert.  Mutual promises in a contract is sufficient;

1.23         "Fee Schedule(s)"

("Fee Schedule(s)") means: schedule(s) of Fee(s) such as Certified Trade/Security Agreement, Instrument # LRD000123, Instrument FSBC081302, FS_LRD_081302, Instrument FSB-LRD-13047, User Agreement Instrument # UA_LRD_081302, User Agreement Instrument # SECURAFS_LRD_130907, and this instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109, and previous, present or future LRD Fee Schedule(s) instrument(s) and or User agreements that may be updated by LRD from time to time without further Notice(s) and are irrefutable and legally binding on all User(s). Fee Schedule(s) contains Expenses, Costs, court Costs, damages, including but not limited to common fees and some unexpected fees which are Payable to LRD. All LRD Fee Schedule(s) such as Instrument FS_LRD_081302, Instrument FSB-LRD-13047 and any updated or amended LRD Fee Schedule(s) and/or LRD User(s) Agreement(s) shall remain in force and effect, and shall form part of this Fee Schedule(s) and the most updated Fee Schedule(s) shall be considered to have the most force and effect when old and new instruments deal with the same issue.  This User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) instrument  SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall apply to all previous and/or existing and/or future Fee Schedule(s) and contracts with User(s) and shall now amend and novate all other contracts and agreements now existing or to be created in the future between User(s) and LRD to all the terms and conditions of instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  The major portion of the Fee Schedule(s) in this instrument are contained in section 3;   

1.24         "Government Agent(s)"

("Government Agent(s)") means: any Agent(s) and/or PPC acting for the benefit of any government, government employee(s), government contractor(s), government subcontractor(s), government associate(s), any PPC representing any government(s), any one working for any government(s) either directly or indirectly, any one that is/has received any payments or rewards from any government. Any police and/or military.  Any cities, municipalities, counties, provinces, boroughs.  Any PPC, corporations or companies setup with so called rights, privileges, concessions, priorities or government backing, government sponsorships, government concessions such as but not limited to the 407 ETR concession. Any incorporated or limited company, any company such as the one administering toll highway(s) such as the 407 ETR (Express Toll Route) and/or any of such companies subsidiaries and/or sister companies and/or offshore companies.  Any companies and/or PPC that are funded by any Crown(s) and/or government(s) such as but not limited to the TFL aka Transport For London and/or any of its subsidiaries and/or sister companies and/or offshore companies, and the corporations calling themselves self Equifax, Experian and/or any of their subsidiaries and/or sister companies and/or offshore companies, and any corporations working directly or indirectly as private security companies, private police, private security, private surveillance, private monitoring, private investigations, and any private reporting; 

1.25         "Individual(s)"

("Individual(s)") means: a legal fiction entity, a part of a corporation(s), Person(s);

1.26         "Infraction(s)"

("Infraction(s)") means: each instance of PPC and/or User(s) infringing and/or violating any LRD Notice(s) and/or contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  Any and all Unauthorized Usage of LRD products, services and/or STEPP pursuant to LRD Public and/or private Notice(s) and/or SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and/or LRD Fee Schedule(s). Any and all unauthorized Offer(s) to do business.  Each Unauthorized Usage of STEPP and/or abuse of STEPP and/or damage to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus is an Infraction(s).  Each instance of Unauthorized Usage of STEPP and/or instance of damages to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Each instance of a PPC and/or User(s) making an Offer(s) to do business.  For any action and/or inaction by User(s) that persist over a unit of time greater than one (1) minute, each additional unit of time, one (1) minute shall constitute another Infraction(s).  LRD may alter the unit of time that is used to define each instance and/or Infraction(s) such that in some cases the Infraction(s) may define each instance as being for example an hour, day, or Month depending solely on LRD discretion.  If PPC do not like the conditions and fees/Costs of this contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 then such PPC are reminded not to make Offer(s) do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus or LRD.  PPC are free to go away and stay away if they do not make Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus however after making Offer(s) to do business such PPC and/or User(s) shall pay for Unauthorized Usage.  All fees shall be invoiced at our option and the fees listed are a starting point and may be increased at any time at our option without prior/further Notice(s) to the amount LRD considers sufficient at our option;

1.27         "Invoice(s)" 

("Invoice(s)") means: a financial instrument that states a list, inventory, products, services and/or STEPP of LRD used by PPC and/or User(s) and the indebtedness of User(s) to LRD and the payment Payable to LRD;

1.28         "Month"

("Month") means: a period beginning on a particular day in a calendar month and ending on (a) the day immediately before the day in the next calendar month that has the same calendar number as the particular day; or (b) if the next calendar month does not have a day that has the same calendar number as the particular day, the last day of that next calendar month;

1.29         "Notice(s)" 

("Notice(s)") means: any notice presented by Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD in good faith for the public and/or private and/or PPC, and/or User(s) in regards to any and all business, commercial, legal transactions, contracts, User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) such as this Instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  All public Notice by LRD shall be accepted by all PPC and User(s) as legally binding and irrefutable except for PPC individuals that provide evidence and proof to refute the notice as it pertains to them within the 30 day time limit of the public Notice.  All public and/or private Notice(s)  by LRD to User(s) shall be accepted by all User(s) as legally binding and irrefutable; 

1.30         "Offer(s) to do business"

("Offer(s) to do business") means: any Usage of STEPP and/or manifestation of willingness, by any User(s) and/or PPC to be bound by LRD contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109, that has a certain legal result, namely, that of giving LRD, the power and/or authority to conclude a binding contract by acceptance.  An acceptable manifestation of willingness by any User(s) and/or PPC to be bound to contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 is anything done by a User(s) and/or PPC that causes LRD to part with a right which LRD might otherwise have been able to exert which can include but not be limited to the following: any Usage of LRD STEPP, any losses by LRD, LRD Expenses, Usage of LRD Property(ies), LRD compensation, LRD Costs, order(s) given to LRD, damage(s) to LRD, Interfering with and/or restricting the rights, domain(s), and/or Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus, damage(s) to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or any attempts to engage Leon-Robert: Duffus in any business and/or activities normally conducted by the Legal Fiction Corporation LRD.  LRD shall be the offeree and User(s) shall be the offeror;

1.31         "Payable"

("Payable") means: transfer of gold, platinum, funds, cash, money, and/or Property(ies) from User(s) to LRD, suitable to transfer from User(s) to LRD; admitting payment due to LRD by User(s), or LRD demanding payment from User(s); justly due and legally enforceable payment by User(s) to LRD; 

1.32         "Payment Terms"

 ("Payment Terms") means: to discharge a debt from User(s) to LRD; to deliver to the creditor(s) LRD the value of a debt in gold with gold valued at 1 oz = £800.00, and/or substance, Property(ies), good(s), or lawful government issued money within twenty one (21) days of the date of receipt of any Invoice(s).  Legal tender, fiat money is not considered payment, rather it is considered a future promise to pay or as debt instrument(s).  The conversion between gold and fiat currency shall be determined by LRD from time to time;

1.33         "Person(s)"

("Person(s)") means: a legal fiction entity, corporation, individual, partnership, trust, estate, or a body that is a society, union, club, association, commission or other organization of any kind whatever, the body of a corporation such as but not limited to employees and/or a head(s) of a corporation such as but not limited to CEO and/or directors, more than one individual as in the plural are legal fiction entities is a Person(s).  When used in the singular tense as "one individual" is a fraction of a corporation or person and is therefore part of a corporation or person. Individual person and corporation are all legal fiction entities.  Any person acting in the capacity of a titled servant such as but not limited to Judge(s), Police, Mayor(s), Queen(s) are by definition Person(s) and not acting in the capacity of man;

1.34         "PPC"

("PPC") means: any Potential Purchaser(s) and/or Client(s) and/or customer(s), Person(s), natural Person(s), juristic Person(s), corporation sole, lawyer(s), individual(s), corporation(s), Organization(s), Companies, Governments, millitiary(ies) personnel, User(s), legal fiction entity(ies), Agent(s), Crown(s), sovereign(s), Government Agent(s), employee(s) and/or representative(s) of other party(ies), such as law firm(s), third parties, third parties Agent(s) such as law firms, Lawyer(s), LLP(s), Barristers and/or Solicitors, civil servants, public servants, Agent(s) or otherwise, that in the voluntary Usage of the Services, Time, Energy, Products and Property(ies), and/or STEPP of LRD shall be agreeing and consenting to be bound in contract to this SECURAFS or Notice(s) and Self-Executing Contract User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and thereby be User(s);

1.35         "PPSA" 

("PPSA") means: Personal Property Security Act;

1.36         "PPSR"

("PPSR") means: Personal Property Security Registry;

1.37         "Principal(s)"

("Principal(s)") means: chief; leading; most important or considerable, primary; master(s), original; highest in rank, authority, character, signing officer(s), Authorized representative(s),

 proprietor, importance or degree such as but not limited to a chief executive officer (CEO) and/or ten percent principle shareholder of any corporate, commercial, legal, religious, Crown(s), Government(s), User(s), PPC, or business establishments; 

1.38         "Priority Claimant"

("Priority Claimant") means: Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ and/or LRD and/or any previous names of LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ as well as any and all derivatives and/or alphanumerical variations and/or deviations in the spelling and or ordering thereof and or names containing the afore mentioned legal fiction name(s) or similar spellings of the name that may be confused as LRD and all variations of the name(s) LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™.  The Priority Claimant shall be determined by Leon-Robert: Duffus depending on the situation and circumstances;

1.39         "Property(ies)"  

("Property(ies)") means: any asset, anything owned and/or controlled by User(s) that LRD may deem to have value, account(s), automobile(s), all forms of vessel(s), all forms of vehicle(s), aircraft, airplane(s), bankroll(s), boat(s), business(es), building(s), capital(s), chattel(s), chattel paper(s), consumers good(s), collateral, commercial tort claim(s), copyrights, country(ies), currenc(ies), deposit account(s), document(s) and general intangible(s), endowment(s), equipment(s), estate(s), farm product(s), helicopter(s), income(s), instrument(s), Intellectual property, investment Property(ies), inventory, jem(s), jewelry(ies), land(s), letters of credit(s), letter-of-credit right(s), lien(s), license(s), machinery, money, ocean(s), private pension fund(s),  government(s) pension fund(s), promissory note(s), plane(s), registration(s), reserve(s), residential or commercial real estate property(ies), State(s), state(s), sea(s), ship(s), stock(s), supply(ies), substance(es) such as but not limited to gold, silver and all other precious metal(s), title(s), Trademarks, trust(s), payment(s) due, share, structure(s), train(s), and all User(s) interest in all such foregoing User(s) Property(ies), now owned and/or hereafter acquired, now existing and/or hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User(s) contractual obligation giving priority in favour of LRD for User(s) Authorized and/or Unauthorized Usage of STEPP or as payment for securing User(s) contractual obligation giving priority in favour of LRD for User(s) Authorized and/or Unauthorized Usage of STEPP;

1.40         "Receipt"

("Receipt") means: a financial instrument that states an amount of settlement received from LRD by User(s);

1.41         "Residence"

("Residence") means: principal residence(s) and/or permanent residence(s), and/or residence(s) all of which means; any address(es) and/or location(s) where LRD at any past, present, or future time, may choose to do specific business and/or register businesses from.  Any address(es) and/or location(s) LRD decides to be a residence(s), any establishment(s) and/or office(s) LRD chooses for receiving mail and/or email and/or correspondence and/or communications and/or deliveries, signing, stamping, reading and listening to all forms of conversations and motions, place(s) to work from, business chamber(s), and/or place(s) where only LRD may choose to call home(s). LRD is deemed to reside at any and/or all residence that LRD determines.  LRD can choose to be at any and/or all and/or none of LRD residence for any length of time and the intention of a length of stay shall depend on circumstances of LRD.  LRD may have many places of residence. Only LRD shall determine all LRD permanent residence(s), principal residence(s), residence(s), home(s), location of, "living" and/or "birth", citizenship(s).  For this definition of residence, the terms; permanent, fixed, temporary, indefinite, long term, short term, everlasting, limited, unlimited are all defined knowing that the intent defining these terms can change instantaneously and that nothing is permanent;

1.42         "SECURAFS" or "Notice(s)  and Self-Executing Contract User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s)"

("SECURAFS") means: Notice(s) and Self-Executing Contract and User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s).  A general term for the document that this definition is a part of is a SECURAFS.  The general functions of SECURAFS are to give Notice(s) to all PPC so that PPC can through Voluntary Compliance choose to provide LRD with Offer(s) to do business that LRD can accept through the provisions of the Self-Executing Contract and allow PPC to become User(s) under contract to LRD in exchange for the Fair and valuable consideration User(s) have received from LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus in the form of STEPP while PPC enjoy being fully informed as to the applicable LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and LRD Fee Schedule(s).  Any Usage by PPC and/or User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s) of LRD services, STEPP, and/or Infraction(s) and/or damage(s) to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD listed and/or not listed herein shall create a binding Self-Executing Contract/Security Agreement between User(s) and User(s) Agent(s) and User(s) Principal(s), and LRD.  A general SECURAFS generally has elements to perform the functions outlined in this paragraph and usually the six (6) following sections below or more.  An instrument such as this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 is a SECURAFS as it contains the elements of this paragraph as well as those of the six (6) sections below:

1.42.1         "SECURAFS" 

("SECURAFS") means: Notice(s)  and Self-Executing Contract User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or previous User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) is Notice(s)  to all Contracting Party(ies) and/or User(s) and has within itself a Self-Executing Contract and a User(s) Agreement(s) and a Fee Schedule(s). SECURAFS contains the following elements:

1.42.2         "Notice(s)" 

("Notice(s)") means: Notice as per the Notice definition.  One function of the SECURAFS is that it is used to provide Public and/or private Notice(s) of the User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) of LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

1.42.3         “Offer(s) to do business” with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

("Offer(s) to do business") means: "Offer(s) to do business" as per the Offer(s) to do business" definition.

1.42.4         "Self-Executing Contract"

("Self-Executing Contract") means: that, after Notice(s) of this instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109 has been given, all PPC, entities, individuals and Person(s), that have not provided proof refuting the Notice(s) as it applies to their own individual self within the Notice period to respond, have given tacit consent to and are automatically consenting and agreeing through Voluntary Compliance to execute this contract instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109 by any or all of the following actions: 

(a) offering to do business with LRD

(b) making Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

(c) doing business with LRD or attempting to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus

(d) by free will and or self choice

(e) when such PPC, entities, individuals, Person(s) become User(s)

(f) as soon as PPC, entities, individuals, Person(s) receive Fair and valuable consideration from LRD by the PPC and/or User(s) Usage of any LRD STEPP, product(s), service(s), privilege(s), information, answer(s), system(s), opinion(s), bailment, Property(ies), benefit(s) of using LRD Property(ies), products, possessions

(g) or any Usage of LRD and/or LRD Common Law Copy-Claim(s)/Copyright(s) and/or LRD Trademark(s)

(h) Any Infraction(s) against LRD and or Leon-Robert: Duffus

(i) Any damage(s) to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD by User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s)


Any of the above shall constitute PPC and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or User(s) informed Voluntary acceptance, Voluntary Compliance, and Fair and valuable consideration and shall create a binding Self-Executing Contract/Security Agreement(s) between PPC and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or User(s) and/or User(s) Principal(s) with LRD. SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall be binding on all User(s) heirs, successors, assignees, subsequent holders of office(s) and/or title(s), or any Person(s) acting in the capacity of the User(s) and/or any Person(s) serving in the capacity of acting in place of another Person(s) who is a User(s).  Instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109 novates all previous Self-Executing Contract(s) between LRD and User(s);

1.42.5         "User(s) Agreement(s)"

("User(s) Agreement(s)") means: User(s) Agreement(s) Instrument UA_LRD_081302 and instrument UA_LRD_270304, and User(s) Agreement(s) Instrument UA-LRD130407, and the User(s) Agreement(s) part of User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109, and contracts between LRD and User(s) that may be amended by LRD from time to time at LRD discretion without further Notice(s) and shall be legally binding on all User(s) whether including any fee(s) or not, and shall now be superseded by this instrument  SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  The major portion of the User(s) Agreement(s) in this instrument are contained in section 2; 

1.42.6         "Fee Schedule(s)"

("Fee Schedule(s)") means: schedule(s) of Fee(s) such as Instrument FSBC081302, FS_LRD_081302, Instrument FSB-LRD-13047, Instrument FSB-LRD-130907 this instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109, and previous, present or future LRD Fee Schedule(s) instrument(s) that may be updated by LRD from time to time without further Notice(s) and are irrefutable and legally binding on all User(s). Fee Schedule(s) contains Expenses, Costs, court Costs, damages, including but not limited to common fees and some unexpected fees which are payable to LRD. All LRD Fee Schedule(s) such as Instrument FS_LRD_081302, Instrument FSB-LRD-13047 and any updated or amended LRD Fee Schedule(s) and/or LRD User(s) Agreement(s) shall remain in force and effect, and shall form part of this Fee Schedule(s) and the most updated Fee Schedule shall be considered to have the most force and effect when old and new instruments deal with the same issue.  This User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) instrument  SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall apply to all previous and/or existing and/or future Fee Schedule(s) and contracts with User(s) and shall now amend and novate all other contracts and agreements now existing or to be created in the future between User(s) and LRD to all the terms and conditions of instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  The major portion of the Fee Schedule(s) in this instrument are contained in section 3; 


If PPC and/or Unauthorized User(s) do not like the terms, conditions, and fees/ Costs of this contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 then PPC and/or Unauthorized User(s) are reminded not to enter into any contracts with LRD or attempt to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus or LRD.  PPC are free to go away and stay away or else pay for Unauthorized Usage of STEPP subject to SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  All fees shall be invoiced at our option and the fees listed are a starting point and may be increased at any time at our option to the amount LRD considers sufficient at our option;

1.43         1.43 "SECURAFS_LRD_150109 "

("SECURAFS_LRD_150109") means: the specific SECURAFS instrument or Notice(s) and Self-Executing Contract User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) instrument that this definition is a part of.  May also refer to any novations of SECURAFS_LRD_150109  made by LRD from time to time that are deemed by LRD to be part of this SECURAFS instrument;

1.44         "Self-Executing Contract"

 ("Self-Executing Contract") means: that, after Notice(s) of this instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109 has been given, all PPC, entities, individuals and Person(s), that have not provided proof refuting the Notice(s)  as it applies to their own individual self within the Notice period to respond, have given tacit consent to and are automatically consenting and agreeing through Voluntary Compliance to execute this contract instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109 by any or all of the following actions: 

a) offering to do business with LRD

b) making Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

c) doing business with LRD or attempting to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus

d) by free will and or self choice

e) when such PPC, entities, individuals, Person(s) become User(s)

f) as soon as PPC, entities, individuals, Person(s) receive Fair and valuable consideration from LRD by the PPC and/or User(s) Usage of any LRD STEPP, product(s), service(s), privilege(s), information, answer(s), system(s), opinion(s), bailment, Property(ies), benefit(s) of using LRD Property(ies), products, possessions

g) or any Usage of LRD and/or LRD Common Law Copy-Claim(s)/Copyright(s) and/or LRD Trademark(s)

h) Any Infraction(s) against LRD and or Leon-Robert: Duffus

i) Any damage(s) to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD by User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s)


Any of the above shall constitute PPC and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or User(s) informed Voluntary acceptance, Voluntary Compliance, and Fair and valuable consideration and shall create a binding Self-Executing Contract/Security Agreement(s) between PPC and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or User(s) and/or User(s) Principal(s) with LRD. SECURAFS_LRD_150109  shall be binding on all User(s) heirs, successors, assignees, subsequent holders of office(s) and/or title(s), or any Person(s) acting in the capacity of the User(s) and/or any Person(s) serving in the capacity of acting in place of another Person(s) who is a User(s).  Instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109  novates all previous Self-Executing Contract(s) between LRD and User(s);

1.45         "Statement(s)"

"Statement(s)" means: a financial instrument that states an amount of money owing by User(s) to LRD;

1.46         "STEPP"  

("STEPP") means: all LRD Service(s), LRD Time, LRD Energy, LRD Product(s), LRD Proprietary Property(ies), LRD Property(ies), LRD electro stat(s), LRD photocopies, and/or LRD likenesses and/or LRD Video(s), and/or LRD Proprietary Property(ies), including but not limited to financial instrument(s) and/or such Property(ies) as LRD and all or any legal identifiers of LRD this also includes but is not limited to, LRD Photograph(s), LRD biometrics, LRD prints, LRD scans, LRD photos, LRD art, LRD intellectual Property(ies), LRD design(s), LRD invention(s), autograph(s), and LRD signature(s), all LRD Property(ies), anything LRD considers to be of value to LRD.  Usage of STEPP shall be determined by LRD so that PPC and/or User(s) and master(s) and/or Principal(s) of PPC and/or User(s) shall be irrevocably bound into contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD being User(s).  User(s) and/or PPC shall be indebted to LRD for all Fees, Usage, Costs, Court Costs and Official Fees/Fee rates associated with Usage of STEPP.  Rental of LRD Product(s) and/or Property(ies) is deemed to end when LRD acknowledges in writing that such Products and/or Property(ies) are returned to LRD in the identical condition that they were prior to the Usage of STEPP, written acknowledgement by LRD of the Product(s) and/or Property(ies) return without testing and verification of condition is insufficient for such Product(s) and/or Property(ies) to be deemed returned to LRD.  Rental of LRD Time and/ or Energy is deemed to end when LRD acknowledges in writing that such LRD Time and/or Energy are returned to LRD in an identical spatial and temporal condition as when the Usage of STEPP started so that such LRD Time and/or Energy can have been used by LRD in any other way.  

In addition STEPP also means all Leon-Robert: Duffus right(s) that Leon-Robert: Duffus has to have very temporarily given up and/or been denied in order for User(s) to take Leon-Robert: Duffus 's time, energy, products, and proprietary Property(ies) or other Leon-Robert: Duffus Property(ies), or anything else that Leon-Robert: Duffus has been given dominion over.  


In addition STEPP also means all Leon-Robert: Duffus Services, Leon-Robert: Duffus Time, Leon-Robert: Duffus Energy, Leon-Robert: Duffus Product(s), Leon-Robert: Duffus Proprietary Property(ies), Leon-Robert: Duffus Property(ies), Leon-Robert: Duffus electro stat(s), Leon-Robert: Duffus photocopies, and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus likenesses and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus Video(s), Leon-Robert: Duffus products and/or Proprietary Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus, including but not limited to Leon-Robert: Duffus financial instrument(s) and/or such Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus and all or any legal identifiers of Leon-Robert: Duffus include but not limited to Leon-Robert: Duffus photograph(s), Leon-Robert: Duffus biometrics, Leon-Robert: Duffus prints, Leon-Robert: Duffus scans, Leon-Robert: Duffus photos, Leon-Robert: Duffus art, Leon-Robert: Duffus intellectual Property(ies), Leon-Robert: Duffus design(s), Leon-Robert: Duffus invention(s), Leon-Robert: Duffus autograph(s), anything LRD considers to be of value to LRD, and proprietary Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus.  All STEPP is/are the proprietary Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus. Any presumption(s) and/or assumption(s) about anything regarding LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus by any User(s) and/or PPC shall be regarded as part of STEPP and Usage of STEPP. Rental of Leon-Robert: Duffus Product(s) and/or Property(ies) is deemed to end when Leon-Robert: Duffus acknowledges in writing that such Products and/or Property(ies) are returned to Leon-Robert: Duffus in the identical condition that they were prior to the Usage of STEPP, written acknowledgement by Leon-Robert: Duffus of the Product(s) and/or Property(ies) return without testing and verification of condition is insufficient for such Product(s) and/or Property(ies) to be deemed returned to Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Rental of Leon-Robert: Duffus Time and/ or Energy is deemed to end when Leon-Robert: Duffus acknowledges in writing that such Leon-Robert: Duffus Time and/or Energy are returned to Leon-Robert: Duffus in an identical spatial and temporal condition as when the Usage of STEPP started so that such Leon-Robert: Duffus Time and/or Energy can have been used by LRD in any other way.  Written acknowledgement by Leon-Robert: Duffus of the initial spatial and temporal Leon-Robert: Duffus Time and/or Energy Usage ending does not end the rental period of such Leon-Robert: Duffus Time and/or Energy;

1.47         "Terms for Curing Default"

("Terms for Curing Default") means: the terms set out in this contractual agreement in the event that User(s) do not uphold their contractual obligations and LRD is forced to take actions against User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or User(s) Principal(s) in order that LRD can collect from User(s) for any fees, Costs, losses, damages, ECCF, and Expenses;  

1.48         "Unauthorized Usage"

("Unauthorized Usage") means: any Usage of STEPP by Unauthorized User(s) and/or PPC.  Any Usage of STEPP by Authorized User(s) outside of which that User(s) is authorized by LRD is Unauthorized Usage and Authorized User(s) will be invoiced as Unauthorized User(s) for such Usage of STEPP; 

1.49         "Unauthorized User(s)"

("Unauthorized User(s)") means: all User(s) that have not received written consent from LRD and/or have not fulfilled all of the requirements to be Authorized User(s) and or User(s) that have not applied and received written consent from LRD for Authorized Usage and/or not completed the application forms for Authorized User(s) photo license ID and/or have not paid the full annual fees for Usage of STEPP and/or PPC that have used or are using STEPP shall be considered as Unauthorized User(s).  Usage of STEPP by PPC shall constitute evidence of PPC entering in to the Notice and Self-Executing Contract/User(s) Agreement(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109 as an Unauthorized User(s).  All Unauthorized User(s) shall pay at least three times or more than the fees as Authorized User(s) for any services;

1.50         "Usage"

("Usage") means: to use or rent STEPP as determined by LRD.  May be Unauthorized Usage or Authorized Usage of STEPP depending on the Unauthorized or Authorized status of the User(s) and/or PPC respectively. The use of STEPP may still be Unauthorized Usage if LRD has not permitted the User(s) to have such use of STEPP.

1.51         "Usage Fee(s)"

("Usage Fee(s)") means: the exchange between LRD and User(s) of substance(s), Property(ies), Gold, Silver, monies, notes, Bill(s), money orders, cheques, and/or bank drafts in compensation for any Authorized or Unauthorized Usage of STEPP.  Authorized User(s) agree(s) and consent(s) that fees and Costs that are listed in section 3.3 are for Authorized User(s) only. Unauthorized User(s) agree(s) and consent(s) that fees and Costs that are listed in section 3.4 are for Unauthorized User(s) only.  Each Usage of STEPP is a incident that shall be invoiced and User(s) can be invoiced for each and every Usage of STEPP. All User(s) fees shall be invoiced at LRD option and the fees listed are minimum fees.  The amount of fees charged to User(s) may be increased at any time at LRD option and for any reason and in the event of abuse(s), as determined by LRD, and/or unsettled debt(s) to LRD, to the amount LRD considers sufficient.  Some Usage Fee(s) are detailed in this SECURAFS however LRD is not limited to only these Usage Fee(s) as LRD has flexibility to find more ways to generate Invoice(s) for STEPP as our Client(s) demands grow; 

1.52         "User(s)"

("User(s)") means: client(s), PPC, Authorized User(s), Unauthorized User(s), Person(s), Licensed Clients, natural Person(s), juristic Person(s), lawyers, individual(s), corporation(s), legal fiction entity(ies), Agent(s), Crown(s), Government Agent(s), employee(s) and/or representative(s) of other parties, such as law firms, Agent(s) or otherwise, that in the Usage of the services, time, energy, products and Property(ies), or STEPP of LRD shall be agreeing and consenting to this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 or Notice and Self-Executing Contract User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  Master(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and/or Principal(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and/or Agent(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and User(s) shall become User(s) on the Usage of STEPP by any PPC and/or User(s) within the chain of command of such master(s) and/or Principal(s).  Master(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and Principal(s) of PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree that Usage of STEPP by any of such master(s) and/or Principal(s) Agent(s), employees, servants shall bind the Master(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and/or Principal(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and/or Agent(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and User(s) and all PPC within such master(s) and/or Principal(s) chain of command to SECURAFS_LRD_150109 voluntarily in exchange for the Fair and valuable consideration received by User(s) and thus Master(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and/or Principal(s) of PPC and/or User(s) and/or Agent(s) of PPC and/or User(s) due to such Usage of STEPP;

1.53         "User(s) Agreement(s)"

("User(s) Agreement(s)") means: User(s) Agreement(s) Instrument, Instrument # LRD000123, UA_LRD_081302 and instrument UA_LRD_270304, and User(s) Agreement(s) Instrument UA-LRD-130407, and the User(s) Agreement(s) part of User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) Instrument SECURAFS_LRD_130907, and contracts between LRD and User(s) that may be amended by LRD from time to time at LRD discretion without further Notice(s) and shall be legally binding on all User(s) whether including any fee(s) or not, and shall now be superseded by this instrument  SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  The major portion of the User(s) Agreement(s) in this instrument are contained in section 2 User Agreement of this instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109,

1.54         "Voluntary Compliance"

("Voluntary Compliance") means: unconstrained by interference; unimpeded by another's influence; spontaneous; acting of oneself.   Proceeding from the free and unrestrained will of the Person(s), produced in or by an act of choice, often implies knowledge of essential facts; 

2           User Agreement(s)

2.1            All the definitions are also part of this SECURAFS_LRD_150109

PPC and/or User(s) voluntarily and with full informed disclosure of this Notice(s) consent and agree to everything and/or all the terms and conditions contained in SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree to only make Offer(s) to do business with LRD after understanding SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and that all Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus shall be evidence of such PPC and/or User(s) understanding SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and voluntarily choosing to receive the benefit(s) of Usage of STEPP as Fair and valuable consideration to irrevocably enter into contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109  with LRD.   All the definitions in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 preceding this section are also part of this section and the whole SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  Any portions of the definitions which contain information(s) and/or terms and conditions on PPC and/or User(s) shall also be deemed to be a part of this User(s) Agreement(s) section and /or Fee Schedule(s) section.  Any part of this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall be applicable as terms and conditions on PPC and/or User(s), User(s) Agreement(s), and Fee Schedule(s) that bind User(s);

2.2            Leon-Robert: Duffus has God given rights, sovereignty, and domain(s).

Leon-Robert: Duffus Circa 1983 CE is a flesh and blood man created by God and a direct descendant of God, governed by God and God's laws.  The Legal Fiction LRD also known as LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™, also known as  LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ 2001, also known as Leon-Robert: Duffus©™, also known as Leon©™are not to be confused with the "non-fiction", Leon-Robert: Duffus.  God is Leon-Robert: Duffus 's father in heaven that has given Leon-Robert: Duffus unlimited God given rights, freedoms, intelligence, creativity and with the right to lay claim(s) and create unlimited value(s) for Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Leon-Robert: Duffus Circa 1983 AD is the flesh and blood man created by God, a child and a direct relation of God, governed by God and God's laws.  God is the father of Leon-Robert: Duffus and is the father in heaven, and the whole world is the garden and Kingdom of God.  God gave dominion over the whole world to each man and woman so that each man and woman is free and sovereign, and is free to seek happiness, enlightenment and to go forth and multiply.  Leon-Robert: Duffus has the God given rights and freedoms to help any man, woman or child that asks for help in any way that God commands and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus deems necessary.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is not a child of any municipality or province or of UNITED KINGDOM/United Kingdom Leon-Robert: Duffus is a child of God the almighty God and a child of the Kingdom of God.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is very capable by God's authority of handling and taking care of his own affairs and keeping dominion over that which is in the care of Leon-Robert: Duffus according to Gods will as set forth in God's words. It is the faith and belief of Leon-Robert: Duffus that God is our master and no one else.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is a man and thus is heir and assign to the covenant in the King James Version of the Bible that God is supreme and has given man, in this case Leon-Robert: Duffus dominion over the animals and the world according to God's will.

Leon-Robert: Duffus is due all the respect, dignity, sovereignty, and domains of man as one of the children of God.  Anyone and/or PPC and/or any Person(s) and/or anything acting in any manner to restrict or deny to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or any man any God given rights is irrevocably consenting and agreeing to immediately forfeit any claim of legitimacy in acting in any way or manner for God and/or man and immediately forfeits any titles and/or Property(ies) and/or any claims to any and all parts of God's world, creation, domains, into the dominion of God and Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Any such PPC acting in any manner to restrict or deny to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or any man any God given rights is consenting and agreeing to voluntarily giving acceptance with full disclosure to irrevocably entering into this contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD in exchange for the Fair and valuable consideration such PPC shall have had from Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or the domain(s) of Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Leon-Robert: Duffus claims all the God given rights that God has given to every man in the King James version of the Bible as well as those God given rights that may not be specifically mentioned in the Bible.   User(s) that cause damages to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or restrict Leon-Robert: Duffus from exercising any God given rights shall be invoiced by LRD in a fashion that reflects the King James version of the Bible stating, "anything that you do unto the least of my brethren ye have done to me." Mat 25:40.  

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (sic.) whose faith and belief are based on the King James Version of the Bible gave an oath/affirmation to defend and uphold the faith.  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (sic.)  as protector and defender of the faith and belief based on the King James Version of the Bible, therefore acknowledges the dominion over the world given by God to the man Leon-Robert: Duffus and shall defend and uphold the dominion of Leon-Robert: Duffus and shall not have any of her loyal servants or superiors and/or Principal(s) claim or act in any way that might abridge Leon-Robert: Duffus God given rights in any way shape or form on penalty of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (sic.),  and any of her Principal(s)and/or superiors such as the Crown(s)(sic.) and/or any of its servants, immediately forfeiting all claims of honour and/or  legitimacy to representing God and/or acting on God's behalf of  and to forfeit any Property(ies), hereditary titles and any claim(s) to any portion of God's creation;

2.3            PPC shall choose proper corporation(s) when doing business with LRD

We have created a list of legal fiction corporation(s) names in order for PPC and/or User(s) to do businesses with LRD.  Please pay attention to the detailed difference in the names so as to make the right choice in which you are making Offer(s) to do businesses with and the appropriate services.  LRD is not responsible for User(s) mistakes.  User(s) are asked be careful in their selection of which legal fiction corporation(s) they make Offer(s) to do business with as Usage of the incorrect legal fiction corporation will be invoiced.  All PPC and/or User(s) shall be invoiced for Usage of STEPP and time when doing business with LRD.  All PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree to correctly choose the appropriate legal fiction corporation(s) from the following list when making Offer(s) to do business with LRD or be invoiced:  


1. LEON DUFFUS©™2009 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: general management company that mainly deals with answering mail, correspondence, e-mails, telephone calls, faxes, postal communications, questions, answers and is only for the purpose of redirecting User(s) to the appropriate companies to deal with your questions, answers and wants.


2. LEON DUFFUS ©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following:  with archiving, past documents, history and most business prior to May 2009 AD.


3. LEON DUFFU Set al ©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: investigating Debtor(s), fraudsters, corporate crimes against LRD, Copy-Claim/Copyright, and Trademark violations, Unauthorized Usage of LRD STEPP, Property(ies) and general interference with any of LRD companies and businesses. 


4. LEON DUFFUS©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following:  purchasing, renting, borrowing, bailment's, leasing, housing, landlord, tenants, accoLRDodations. 


5. DUFFUS, LEON et al ©™2001 CE a, "natural person", that is our company that deals mainly with the following:  security, protection, safety issues against criminals, abusers, undesirables and opportunists looking to take advantage of weak and vulnerable situations.


6. DUFFUS LEON©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: corporations, companies, institutions and governments that need our service(s) and choose to do business with us for expertise in corporate and business affairs such as but not limit to, computer info, quality control, marketing, personal and private information of all LRD companies and businesses.


7. DUFFUS Leon©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: church, religious matters, clergy, celestial, God's laws, natural laws.  


8. DUFFUS. L ©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the  collection of debts.


9. DUFFUS, Leon©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that mainly deals with the following:  all levels of governments, practically any trading in regards but not limited to charges, promissory notes, bonds, debts, credits, Infraction(s), vouchers, licenses, leans, claims, judgments, writ(s), seizure, arrests, warrants, Bill(s), notes, drafts, over drafts, money orders, cheques, debiting, debt instruments, financial instruments or anything related to the Bank act and/or the Bills of exchange act.   


10. L. DUFFUS©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: protection against abuses of power and corruption by lawyers, liars, legal fiction Agent(s) or Agent(s) of the fiction, mercenary Agent(s), judges, all forms of collection Agent(s) and their ilk.


11. L. DUFFUS ©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: creation of policies, codes, rules, legal transactions, man-made laws, ethics, laws of the fiction, rules of commerce.


12. Mr DUFFUS ©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following:  health, foods, medicines, disease of the body, diseases of the mind and emotions, such as but limited to psychiatric and psychological evaluations with over 36 years of direct experience in natural medicine.


13. Mr DUFFUS©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: all forms and levels of taxation.


14. Mr L. DUFFUS©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following:  public relations (PR) work, all forms of publicity, promotions, advertisements.


15. Mr LEON DUFFUS©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: guarantees, promises, insurance, refunds, assurance, reassurance, pledges, declarations, oaths, affirmations, statements, truth, confirmations.


16. Mr DUFFUS, Leon ©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: publishing of documents, books, video, photos, prints, intellectual properties art, creations, inventions and design.


17. Mr DUFFUS, L©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following:  banking, credit cards, debit cards. 


18. Mr L. R. DUFFUS©™2001 CE a, "natural Person(s)", that is our company that deals mainly with the following: law suites, suing, actions, torts, claims, charges. 


The list of some of LRD legal fiction corporation(s) may change from time to time without any further Notice(s);

2.4            LRD has the final priority judgement

User(s) are consenting and agreeing that LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ has the final say, the priority judgement, and priority authority over all matters and transactions with any User(s) at all times.  In the event of a dispute between LRD and any User(s), LRD shall have the final decision and User(s) consent and agree to be irrevocably bound by the decision of LRD.  Everything shall be presumed in such a way as to be to the advantage of LRD, as determined by LRD, when not stated in writing by LRD to the contrary and where there is a dispute LRD shall have the final determining authority as to what is reasonable and what is not reasonable in regards to anything including but not limited to any business or transactions involving LRD.  LRD is Copyrighted and Trademarked by Leon-Robert: Duffus pursuant to Notice(s) and/or public Notice(s).  Any Usage of LRD Copyrighted and/or Trademarked materials by any User(s) and/or PPC are subject to LRD Instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  All rights are explicitly reserved by LRD at all times and no rights are waved at any time by LRD;

2.5            Leon-Robert: Duffus is the flesh and blood man Priority Claimant

User(s) consent and agree that by irrefutable public Notice(s) accepted by all, Leon-Robert: Duffus, the named Priority Claimant, is not in the capacity or character of a Person(s), individual or any form of legal fiction entity as defined by man-made laws or statute laws nor bound with any obligation(s), contract(s), or promise(s) of any kind, except by autographed acceptance by the hand of Leon-Robert: Duffus;

2.6            Authorization by Autograph only

Autographed acceptance by the hand of Leon-Robert: Duffus is only valid if done in the presence of two independent witnesses, approved by Leon-Robert: Duffus, that are not Government Agent(s) and not Crown(s) Agent(s) and not third party Agent(s) and/or representatives acting on behalf of any government(s) and/or Crown(s) and/or Person(s), entity(ies), corporation(s).  Both potential witnesses need to provide LRD complete written and verbal evidence of full disclosure as to any oaths and/or affirmations made by any of the witnesses and any of the witnesses affiliation(s), membership(s), or wheeling and dealings that witnesses have or have had with any organization(s) or Person(s) entities, Masonic societies, fraternal organizations, or private/secret society(ies).  Leon-Robert: Duffus shall not at any time give authorization, consent or give acceptance to any legal or lawful action or procedure to User(s) unless in writing and autographed by the hand of Leon-Robert: Duffus in the presence of two such independent witnesses;  

2.7            Commercial activities shall be conducted by LRD not Leon-Robert: Duffus

The legal fiction LRD is not to be confused with the non-fiction Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Any and all commercial activity is conducted by LRD even though LRD may at any time be receiving STEPP from Leon-Robert: Duffus.  PPC and User(s) do not have the right to presume that commercial activity conducted in the presence of Leon-Robert: Duffus is conducted by Leon-Robert: Duffus and such presumption by PPC and/or User(s) shall be  Usage of STEPP and invoiced accordingly;  

2.8            Attempts to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus

PPC and/or User(s) are reminded that any interference with and/or attempt to make Offer(s) to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus the flesh and blood man created by God shall be consenting and agreeing without recourse to be invoiced for Usage of STEPP.  No PPC and/or User(s) have the authorization to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus.  All User(s) must do business only with LRD or LRD (s).  The penalty(ies) for attempting to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus the flesh and blood man created by God are a minimum payment of  three thousand seven hundred and fifty (3750) ounces of gold per Usage and up at our option per each incident and/or Infraction(s); 

2.9            LRD Authorization by signature only

All contracts offered by User(s) and/or PPC to LRD except participating in SECURAFS_LRD_150109  must be sent only by registered mail to LRD. Before LRD can be bound by any contract issued and/or created and/or offered by User(s) the contract would have to be approved by LRD, signed by LRD, sent by LRD by registered mail back to User(s) before LRD can be bound by contract(s) issued by User(s).  All contracts entered into by LRD shall be entered into on the condition that LRD has the right to cancel and/or novate all contracts and/or orders within seventy-two (72) hours.


Offers from time to time by User(s) making Offer(s) to do business with LRD shall be subject to SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and shall bind User(s) to SECURAFS_LRD_150109  contract with LRD through their action or inaction without the need for LRD to provide any further written and/or signed Notice(s) to the User(s).  Contracts other than SECURAFS_LRD_150109  that User(s) and/or PPC offer to LRD for LRD to participate in with User(s) from time to time including but not limited to assumpsit and/or verbal contracts are null and void at LRD discretion unless LRD receives full disclosure regarding the contract prior to signing it as determined by LRD and specifically acknowledges in writing each and every specific term(s) and condition(s) of the contract and LRD signs the contract in the presence of two (2) LRD approved witnesses.  Any and all contract(s) bearing the name LRD shall be subject to the provision of this paragraph with absolutely no time restrictions.  LRD has the ability to act in many capacities such as, but not limited to; alleged Debtor(s), claimant, Priority Claimant, and Agent(s).  At all times SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and/or its revised LRD approved version(s) shall novate and take precedence over any and all other contract(s);

2.10         Authorization by signing only

SECURAFS_LRD_150109  is the only contract and/or legal or lawful action or procedure involving LRD that PPC and/or User(s) can enter into contract with LRD without the following authorization by signing being given by LRD.  LRD shall not give authorization, consent or acceptance to any legal and/or lawful action and/or procedure involving LRD if such action(s) and/or procedure(s) are instigated, drawn up, presented, or offered by User(s) and/or PPC to LRD.  The only exception being if LRD provides authorization in writing that is signed by LRD in the correct lawful manner as an Authorized Representative for Leon-Robert: Duffus in the presence of two (2) independent witnesses of LRD choice that are not Government Agent(s) in any shape or form, and not third party Agent(s) and/or Person(s) and/or representative(s) acting under the influence of any claimant(s) and/or any Government(s), Crown(s), Receiver(s), organization(s) and/or institution(s). Any alleged consent of Leon-Robert: Duffus to any legal and/or lawful action and/or procedure involving LRD without the above mentioned two witnesses and authorized signature shall be null and void at the discretion LRD;  

2.11         Notice(s)

SECURAFS_LRD_150109  is public and/or private Notice(s) to all, and/or PPC and/or User(s) and stands as irrefutable evidence of LRD's User Agreement(s), Fee Schedule(s), Expenses, Costs, court Costs, damages and any other Costs Payable by PPC and/or User(s) to LRD for Usage of STEPP and/or any other reason(s) and compensation Payable to LRD as the Authorized Agent(s) for the Priority Claimant Leon-Robert: Duffus in relation to all PPC and/or User(s) and SECURAFS_LRD_150109;

2.12         LRD and Signatures or Autographs are copyright and trademarks of LRD

LRD is irrevocably Copyrighted and Trademarked by Leon-Robert: Duffus pursuant to Notice(s) and public Notice(s).  All signatures of LRD or autographs of Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD are Copyrighted and Trademarked pursuant to Notice(s) and public Notice(s).  Any Usage of LRD copyrighted and/or Trademarked materials by any User(s) are subject to LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  Leon-Robert: Duffus has the right to sign on behalf of LRD in any shape, form or style.  The signature(s) that LRD uses shall be the signature(s) LRD considers necessary at the time. All PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree that any and all LRD names and LRD signature(s) shall be deemed as being signed with a, “©” and a, "™", at the end of the signature(s) whether or not the written signature(s) contain a, "©", and/or, "™", at the end of the signature(s) or not.  All PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree that any and all LRD signature(s) shall be deemed as being on behalf of LRD and shall be deemed as being signed with a, "per:", or with a, "pp:", at the start of the signature(s) whether or not the written signature(s) contain a, "per:", or a, "pp:", at the start of the signature(s) or not.  All PPC and/or User(s) shall accept that any signature from Leon-Robert: Duffus on behalf of LRD shall have the same force and effect as if the signature has a, "per:", or a, "pp:", at the start of the signature even if a, "per:", or a, "pp:", is not present at the start of the signature. All PPC and/or User(s) shall accept that any signature from Leon-Robert: Duffus on behalf of LRD shall have the same force and effect as if the signature has a, "™", and a, "©", at the end of the signature even if a, "™", and/or a, "©", are not present at the end of the signature.  Any signature of LRD that is not accepted by any PPC and/or User(s) as having the same force and effect as if signed with a, "per:", or a, "pp:", in front of and part of the writing may be deemed by LRD at any time to be null and void. Any signature of LRD that is not accepted by any PPC and/or User(s) as having the same force and effect as if signed with the, "™", and/or, "©", at the end may be deemed by LRD at any time to be null and void.  The signature of LRD is also equivalent to the corporate seal of LRD and is also a trademark of LRD.  All rights are explicitly reserved by LRD at all times and no rights are waved at any time by LRD;

2.13         LRD reserves the right to do business 

LRD reserves the right to exercise discretion in doing business with any PPC and/or User(s). LRD reserves the right to exercise discretion in doing business with any PPC that: (a) appear untrustworthy to LRD, (b) raise LRD suspicion of their being involved in criminal acts, (c) refuses to answer LRD questions in regards to their being a User(s), (d) does not honour the Bills of Exchange Act, the rule of law, or the supremacy of God, e) lacking financial Property(ies) to pay for STEPP.  Any such dishonourable PPC and/or User(s) shall be invoiced for any Costs and/or damages and/or charged a minimum of three (3) times and up that of Authorized User(s) fees at the option of  LRD;

2.14         Offer(s) to do business with LRD

Any direct or indirect contact with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus that results in Usage of STEPP, and/or LRD Expense(s), LRD Costs, damage to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus as determined by LRD, interference with and/or denial of Leon-Robert: Duffus God given rights, and/or Offer(s) to do business, is an Offer(s) to do business by User(s) and/or PPC;

2.15         SECURAFS in the Event of Unauthorized Use  

LRD realizes the complex situations and time restraints of some User(s) and has taken this into account during development of LRD's most automatic simplified Self-Executing Contract and User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) (SECURAF) procedures. LRD believes that after years of dedicated service to PPC(s) and User(s), LRD can now offer state of the art, unmatched in the business world, user-friendly service that is easy, simple, fully comprehensive and fully automatic.  LRD believes SECURAFS_LRD_150109  is a good incentive for all PPC(s) and User(s) to do business with LRD. Now PPC(s) and User(s) can enjoy more free time, save money, and spend more time looking after their own businesses. 


LRD feels sure PPC(s) and User(s) are going to be excited about this new automatic and simplified procedure for doing business.  LRD developed these fair, reasonable, comprehensive, good faith, automatic simplified procedures for all PPC(s) and User(s), based on the ancient customs and traditions of the geographic location commonly known as “Africa” which are the foundations of the Common Law(s) of England, Canada/ CANADA, and the United States of America/ USA and that is every man and woman, has the right(s) to contract in Good faith however and with whoever they choose as a God given right, and every person and individual in law may choose to contract in good faith.  Any PPC can voluntarily consent and agree to irrevocably enter into contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109  with LRD through the following flexible simplified processes and procedures and be User(s):

2.15.1         Public Notice(s)  

All PPC have agreed to the public Notice(s) given through SECURAFS_LRD_150109  by PPC silence, tacit consent, nihil dilcit and/or acquiesce and are now lawfully bound by all public Notice(s) made by LEON ROBERT DUFFUS©™ and/or LRD.  SECURAFS_LRD_150109 Notice(s)  and/or public Notice(s) is un-refuted and uncontested and stands irrefutable and uncontested as facts accepted by all without recourse.  Any PPC and or User(s) choosing or making Offer(s) to do business with LRD are making an informed decision to become User(s) and consent and agree that any and all, "Offer(s) to do business", with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus shall be pursuant to SECURAFS_LRD_150109; 

2.15.2         Offer(s) to do business

All PPC and/or User(s) in any jurisdiction(s) consent and agree that any, "Offer(s) to do business", or "invitation to treat", with LRD shall be conducted in a lawful manner to up hold the Bills of Exchange Act as an international treaty that supersedes any local law(s) and/or any other financial, civil, military, criminal and/or any other law(s) that contradict the Bills of Exchange Act;          Public Offer(s) to do business

Any PPC "Offer(s) to do business" or any PPC "invitation to treat" with the public shall be considered as being an "Offer(s) to do business" with LRD and/or an "invitation to treat" with LRD.  Any shop(s), and/or store(s) and/or business and/or service company(ies), and/or wholesaler(s), and/or retailer(s), and/or merchant(s) open to the public, PPC making advertisement(s) and/or Notice(s) to do business with the public,  shall be evidence of the PPC and/or owner and/or 10% principal shareholder of the business, and/or employee(s), and/or Agent(s) of such business making an "Offer(s) to do business" with LRD and/or an "invitation to treat" with LRD;          Private Offer(s) to do business

Any PPC can make "Offer(s) to do business" or makes an, "invitation to treat", with LRD by any of the following actions:

a) Any Unauthorized Usage of LRD STEPP.  If any PPC use or are in possession of STEPP and do not have written authorization signed by LRD for the use of STEPP. 

b) Any interference with and/or  denial of right(s), and/or interference with and /or denial of domain(s) of Leon-Robert: Duffus

c) Any interference with and/or  Usage of Property(ies) of Leon-Robert: Duffus

d) Asking questions of LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

e) give orders to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

f) demanding information from LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

g) Any User(s) and/or PPC that does not leave LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus after being asked if PPC and/or User(s) is offering to do business three (3) times and still remains is using STEPP and is making Offer(s) to do business with LRD.  User(s) and/or PPC that have not left LRD within 30 seconds of being asked if they are offering to do business shall be deemed to be making, "Offer(s) to do business", with LRD.

h) Any User(s) and/or PPC that orders and/or requests that LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus return, surrender, display, show, present for inspection item(s) stored in care of User(s) shall be subject to immediate prepayment of all storage/holding fees and/or display/inspection fees and/or processing fees.  User(s) and/or PPC that obtain possession of any item(s) and/or Property(ies) held and/or stored in care of User(s) without immediate payment to LRD prior to taking possession of any stored and/or held item(s) and/or Property(ies) are consenting and agreeing to become User(s).


User(s) and/or PPC doing any of the above action(s) means that User(s) and/or PPC are consenting and agreeing to making Offer(s) to do business with LRD pursuant to SECURAFS_LRD_150109;

2.15.3         PPC contract to become User(s) with Self-Executing Contract

Any PPC that has made Offer(s) to do business with LRD, consents and agrees that such PPC shall have received Fair and valuable consideration from LRD for the purpose of establishing the contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109  with LRD if any or all of the following conditions are met:


1.        LRD determines User(s) and/or PPC have used and/or are in possession of STEPP.

2.        If LRD determines User(s) and/or PPC do not have written authorization from LRD for the Usage of STEPP that User(s) and/or PPC possess or have used.  Such Usage or possession of STEPP is evidence of Unauthorized Usage of STEPP and constitutes PPC and/or User(s) benefits and Fair and valuable consideration and contractually binds User(s) and/or PPC to the contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109. 

3.        By User(s) Usage of any part of STEPP and by LRD Notice(s), User(s) are consenting and agreeing to this Self-Executing Contract/User(s) Agreement(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109, and shall constitute User(s) Fair and valuable consideration.  Value received by User(s) are any STEPP, services, privileges, enjoyment, information, answers, systems, opinions, bailment, bond(s) and/or Usage of LRD Property(ies) and/or STEPP;

4.        Any User(s) and/or PPC that orders and/or requests that LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus return, surrender, display, show, present for inspection item(s) stored in care of User(s) shall be subject to immediate prepayment of all storage/holding fees and/or display/inspection fees and/or processing fees.  User(s) and/or PPC that obtain possession of any item(s) held and/or stored in care of User(s) without immediate payment to LRD prior to taking possession of any stored and/or held item(s) are consenting and agreeing to become User(s) as defined in SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and to be bound in contract with SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and consent and agree to all the terms and conditions contained within SECURAFS_LRD_150109.

5.        Any PPC and/or User(s) making Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or any invitation to treat LRD without written consent of LRD shall be evidence of PPC and/or User(s) consenting and agreeing to being Unauthorized User(s) and shall be bound by SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and all the terms and conditions therein.

6.        LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus are voluntarily or involuntarily at any meeting with PPC and/or User(s) such as but not limited to discussions, pre-arranged appointments, court meetings, meetings with judge(s), meetings with any Crown(s), any PPC in any proximity with on LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus conducting surveillance on LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any manner. 

7.        Any PPC and/or User(s) that assert by any means that such PPC and/or User(s) have the capacity to judge LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any way whatsoever.  Whoever judges is in dishonour for the King James Bible Mathew 7:1 states, “Judge not, that ye be not judged”.  See also Luke 6:3, 2Chronicles19:6.   Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  And 1 Corinthians 4:5 “therefore, judge nothing before the time, until the lord come.  Exodus 21:24-25 “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”  

8.        Any PPC and/or User(s) that assert by any means that such PPC and/or User(s) have any jurisdiction over LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any way whatsoever. 

9.        Any Usage of STEPP that has been enjoyed by any User(s) and/or PPC is evidence of LRD having been denied the exercise of that right and/or being temporarily denied that right that LRD might otherwise have been able to exert.

10.     Any User(s) and/or PPC abusing STEPP are consenting and agreeing to be legally bound by this SECURAFS_LRD_150109;

2.15.4         Acceptance of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and its User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s)

LRD acknowledges that any PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree to give their acceptance to be bound in contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD by using and/or taking the Fair and valuable consideration detailed in the previous section.


LRD accepts PPC and/or User(s) Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or attempt(s) to make Offer(s) to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus only per SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  LRD accepts that PPC and/or User(s) that have received Fair and valuable consideration from LRD have done so with Notice(s) and the informed consent and agreement of PPC to enter into contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD;

2.16         User(s) contract with LRD takes precedence

Leon-Robert: Duffus does not recognize any legal fiction manmade law as being above any of God's laws, and for this reason shall not recognize any such laws or the authority of any Agent(s) enforcing these manmade laws especially when they go against God's laws.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is aware of the supremacy of God and is aware of England de jure being founded upon the belief in the rule of law and the supremacy of God as stated in its Constitution. User(s) and Principal(s) and/or Agent(s) of PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree that the SECURAFS_LRD_150109, supersedes any and all manmade fiction laws/codes, such as, but not limited to, statutes, and any assumpsit contracts created by User(s) and/or any other PPC other than LRD.  PPC and User(s) consent and agree that any and all manmade fiction laws/codes, such as, but not limited to, statutes, codes, policies, constitutions, rules, acts of law such as bills and/or statutes etc, acts of Parliament, contracts, and any assumpsit contracts created by User(s) and/or PPC, in any and all jurisdictions, shall be applicable on Government Agent(s) and/or Crown(s) Agent(s) and rendered null and void and have no force or effect on LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or any man, woman, or child.  User(s) consents and agrees SECURAFS_LRD_150109  shall be irrevocable and binding on User(s);

2.17         Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s)

In the event that Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s), fails to properly, thoroughly, honestly or in a timely manner perform their job and/or duty such Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) are consenting and agreeing that such action and/or inaction shall be evidence of offering to enter into contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD and as such the following actions and/or inactions are each agreed to be making Offer(s) to do business with LRD:


(1) Not responding in a timely manner especially where time is of the essences, 

(2) Ignores a warning especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s),

(3) Ignores a procedure especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s), 

(4) Ignores any document given or sent especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s), 

(5) Ignores a statute given or sent especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s),

(6) Ignores the rule of law given or sent especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s), 

(7) Damages, destroys, losses, alters, changes a document given or sent by LRD that causes LRD Costs, losses or damages or inconvenience, wasting time, causing extra Expenses, especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s), 

(8) Failure to respond to a letter or communication or demand that was sent or demanded in any shape or form of that Government Agent(s), especially if LRD has brought this to the attention of Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s), 

(9) Any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) deliberately and/or intentionally created a situation so as to cause LRD any form of loss, hardship, danger, unnecessary risk, Expense, Costs, and caused problems, suffering,

(10) Any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) deliberately and/or intentionally created a situation so as to plot, scheme, plain, conspire, falsifies, alter, change and/or commits perjury against LRD. 

(11) Any Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) that deliberately and/or intentionally creates a situation so as causes in any shape or form damages, losses, injury, inconvenience, hindrances, obstruction, Expense(s), suffering mentally, suffering physically, suffering emotionally. 

(12) Any Government Agent(s) that hinders, delays, aggravates, menaces, bothers, LRD in his pursuit to conduct any business, conduct any activities and ministerial duties expected and/or ordered by God as a clergyman as ordained by God.


Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) consent and agree to immediately become User(s) bound in contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD on performing any of the above mentioned twelve (12) actions and/or inactions and be subject to the fee(s) LRD determines to be appropriate. Upon Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) becoming User(s) all Crown(s) within such Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Government Agent(s) User(s) complete chain of command are voluntarily and irrevocably consenting and agreeing to renouncing any and all claims to all such Crown(s) and/or government(s) Property(ies) and to transfer any and all claim(s) and ownership of such Property(ies) to LRD at a time and location of LRD choosing;

2.18         SECURAFS_LRD_150109  revisions accepted in advance

LRD reserves the right, without any further Notice(s), at any time and from time to time, to revise, update, supplement, and/or modify SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and/or any previous User(s) Agreement(s) and/or Fee Schedule(s) and to impose new or additional rules, policies, fees, terms and/or conditions on User(s) and/or PPC.  Such revisions to SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or any previous User(s) Agreement(s) and/or Fee Schedule(s), updates, supplements, and/or modifications are effective immediately and incorporated into this Notice(s) and/or SECURAFS_LRD_150109.  All revisions, updates, supplements, modifications, additional terms, policies, conditions are hereby incorporated into this SECURAFS_LRD_150109  by this reference.  User(s) and/or PPC consent and agree that User(s) and/or PPC acknowledge understanding SECURAFS_LRD_150109 upon becoming User(s) and/or receiving STEPP and/or the benefit(s) of Usage of STEPP which is available to User(s) through their free-will.   User(s) and/or PPC consents and agree to being bound by SECURAFS_LRD_150109  through User(s) and/or PPC Usage of STEPP.  User(s) and/or PPC are consenting and agreeing to any LRD amendments of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or any previous User(s) Agreement(s) and/or Fee Schedule(s) in advance by the silence of User(s) and/or PPC and/or tacit consent and/or acquiescence by User(s) and/or PPC with regard to the public Notice(s) of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or subsequent Usage of LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus products, services, and/or STEPP.  Nothing in these User(s) Agreement(s) terms and conditions of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall exonerate User(s) from any neglect to comply with these terms and conditions of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 or any updates of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 that are subject to change from time to time without Notice(s);

2.19         User(s) fees can be tripled

User(s) agree and consent that all fees and Costs Payable by User(s) to LRD are to be tripled in the event of User(s) involvement in any frivolous, vexatious, malicious, prosecutions or litigation proceedings against the Priority Claimant and/or LRD as determined by LRD;

2.20         LRD authorized to administer dominion

 LRD has the capacity to act in the capacity of an authorized debt collector having worldwide jurisdiction, trustee, fiduciary, and in any manner authorized by Leon-Robert: Duffus for administering dominion over all the earth as authorized by God according to Genesis 1:26-29 of your King James Bible;

2.21         Usage of STEPP shall be invoiced

Any Usage of STEPP that is authorized by LRD shall be invoiced as per the Authorized User(s) Fee Schedule(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109.   Any Usage of STEPP that is Unauthorized shall be invoiced to User(s) as per the Unauthorized User(s) Fee Schedule(s) in SECURAFS_LRD_150109. Every Usage of STEPP shall be invoiced;

2.22         Authorized Usage terms 

Authorized User(s), after receiving written and signed authorization from LRD specifying what portion of STEPP the Authorized User(s) has permission to use, can use that portion of STEPP only for the time of the license, after payment of the required fees.  Any Usage of STEPP by Authorized User(s) outside of that specified by LRD is Unauthorized Usage and Authorized User(s) will be invoiced as Unauthorized User(s) for such Usage of STEPP.  Authorized User(s) must meet all the requirements in the definition of Authorized User(s) or else Authorized User(s) can be designated as Unauthorized User(s) by LRD without any further Notice(s). All Authorized User(s) that do not present their photo license ID on request shall be considered as Unauthorized User(s). The Authorized User(s) privilege and status may be revoked by LRD at any time for any reason without refund or Notice(s). The Authorized User(s) privilege is not transferable at any time for any reason. Authorized User(s) not making payment in advance for services and/or damages when requested to do so in any manner by LRD, shall become Unauthorized Users if they obtain such services and/or damages from LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus;

2.23         User(s) accept(s) full responsibility and liability for the fees and Costs

User(s) and/or PPC accept(s) full responsibility and liability for the fees and Costs invoiced by LRD.  Agent(s), servant(s), employee(s), and contractor(s) that become User(s) are jointly and severally liable along with their respective master(s) of Agent(s) and/or servants, employer(s), and master contractor(s).  Crown(s)(Sic) and/or Crown(s) Agent(s), and/or Government(s) and/or Government Agent(s) and or government employees and/or government public servants are jointly and severally liable to LRD in the event that any PPC within the Crown(s)(Sic) and/or Government(s) and/or Government(s) employee(s) and/or Government(s) authorized Person(s) and/or any PPC anywhere in the entire chain of command(s) structure becomes User(s).  The Crown(s)(Sic)  and/or BAR and/or any Principal(s) thereof and the entire chain of command(s) of the Crown(s)(Sic) and/or BAR are jointly and/or severally liable to LRD in the event any PPC from the Crown(s)(Sic) and/or BAR and/or any Principal(s) thereof and/or any PPC anywhere in the entire chain of command(s) structure of the Crown(s)(Sic) and/or BAR becomes User(s); 


All User(s) agree and consent to SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and the User(s)Agreement(s) terms and conditions of SECURAFS_LRD_150109, and all User(s) accept(s) full responsibility and liability for the payment of fees and Costs described in SECURAFS_LRD_150109 in the event such User(s) make Offer(s) to do business and/or involve and/or engage LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any matter whatsoever, by choice, default, mistake, any action(s) that cause harm, damage or otherwise to LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus.  This SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall be legally binding, irrevocable and irrefutable on all User(s).  All User(s) consent and agree to pay LRD as per any Invoice(s) submitted by LRD to User(s) in the time period specified by LRD.  All User(s) consent and agree that LRD can take whatever action LRD deems to be required to recover full payment for any and all Invoice(s) submitted to User(s).  User(s) consent and agree that on User(s) default to LRD that User(s) is/are Debtor(s) and LRD is the Secured Party and that User(s) grants, consents and agrees forever without recourse that LRD has a security interest in all of User(s) world-wide Property(ies) and titles, tangible and intangible, being personal, corporate interest or ownership, and other User(s) Property(ies), at LRD 's discretion the sum certain up to the amount of debt owing plus all fees, Costs and court Costs pursuant to SECURAFS_LRD_150109, at the sole discretion of LRD per each occurrence of Usage, infraction(s), or possession of STEPP and/or Usage of common-law Copy-Claim/Copyright or Trade mark(s) and/or other service(s) provided as determined by LRD;

2.24         LRD does not give PPC and/or User(s) the right to novate

Nothing in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 confers or purports to confer to any PPC and/or User(s), any right to enforce any term(s) of SECURAFS_LRD_150109. Only Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD Secured Party, and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus heirs and/or authorized assigns may novate SECURAFS_LRD_150109 if authorized in writing and autographed by Leon-Robert: Duffus in the presence of two (2) independent witnesses.  User(s) consent and agree that any typing errors, mistake(s) or deficiency(s) found within this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 do not invalidate the entire SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and every attempt will be made to correct any such mistake(s) or deficiency(ies).  User(s) consent and agree that in the event of any dispute between User(s)and/or PPC with LRD regarding the meaning of any part of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 that LRD shall have the final decision regarding the meaning(s) and /or interpretation(s) of SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and:

a) User(s) agrees and consents contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 takes precedence over any law.

b) User(s) consent and agree User(s) cannot novate SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or any other contract with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus.  LRD may novate SECURAFS_LRD_150109. User(s) consent and agree that any opinion, interpretation and or judgement by any Person(s), User(s), PPC, International bodies/Person(s) and/or Judge(s) shall be null and void and without force if such opinion, interpretation and or judgement in any way conflicts with SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or LRD interpretation of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 in any matter relating to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus;

2.25         Presumption and/or Assumption

Any User(s), Authorized User(s), Unauthorized User(s), client(s), Person(s), Licensed Clients, natural Person(s), juristic Person(s), individual(s), corporation(s), legal fiction entity(ies), Agent(s), Government Agent(s), employee(s) and/or representative(s) of other parties, such as law firms, Agent(s) or otherwise, do not have any right and do not have any freedom to make any presumption(s) and/or assumption(s) about anything regarding any man, woman, child, and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus other than what is self-evident and inherent in the perfect laws of Nature  that it may be presumed and/or assumed that any living man, woman, and child is a child of God with all God given rights and  is not a legal fiction entity but every man and/or, woman has claim to their legal fiction(s) so as to deal with  other legal fiction entities and every such assumption or presumption regarding LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus is subject to SECURAFS_LRD_150109  and LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus final determination of any such assumption or presumption and the appropriate fee(s) that shall be invoiced to PPC and/or User(s); 

2.26         LRD is insolvent

LRD is insolvent and cannot be levied and Leon-Robert: Duffus is the Priority Claimant against LRD.  LRD cannot be levied, as LRD is insolvent (public Notice(s)) see bankruptcy laws of England and Canada; 

2.27         Not accommodation party, nor a surety 

Leon-Robert: Duffus is not now, nor has Leon-Robert: Duffus ever been, knowingly, by consent and/or for certain and fair Consideration, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for any purported or alleged Debtor(s) including but not limited to LRD.  Leon-Robert: Duffus is so indemnified and held harmless by any and all User(s) and/or Debtor(s), in Certified Trade/Security Agreement, Instrument LRD000123 and public Notice(s) as amended from time to time, without further Notice(s), against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, lawsuits, Costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interest, Costs, court Costs and Expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing, as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor(s) and/or User(s) for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever;

2.28         Honour Bills of Exchange Act , Law and God to do business

We look forward to doing business with User(s) that: (a) honours the Bills of Exchange Act, (b) the rule of law and (c) the supremacy of God.  Authorized User(s) that do not honour the Bills of Exchange Act, the rule of law and the supremacy of God shall lose their privileges and become subject to the same terms and conditions as Unauthorized User(s).  LRD may cancel any Authorized User(s) status and privilege at any time for any User(s) unreasonable behaviour and LRD reserves the right to rescind any agreement and/or contract with any User(s) at any time; 

2.29         Authority to create unlimited value

LRD is a natural Person(s) and has the right to create unlimited value in any form including but not limited to creating bond(s) and/or promissory note(s).  User(s) are consenting and agreeing that any such instrument(s) such as promissory note(s) and/or bond(s) shall be considered to be fully recognized and accepted as more lawful than if created by any financial institution(s), corporation(s) or government(s);

2.30         User(s) shall not hold LRD liable in any civil or criminal actions 

User(s) are consenting and agreeing that at no time, shall User(s) and/or User(s) Principal(s) And/or User(s) Agent(s) hold LRD liable in any civil or criminal actions and User(s) shall indemnify and hold LRD harmless from any such action(s).   In the event that LRD is forced to collect from User(s) and/or User(s) Principal(s) And/or User(s) Agent(s) any Property(ies) that are in the possession of the indebted User(s),  and/or User(s) Principal(s) And/or User(s) Agent(s) the User(s), and/or User(s) Principal(s) And/or User(s) Agent(s) shall not hold LRD liable in any civil, criminal, or any other actions;  

2.31         LRD authorized to take payment from User(s) 

User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s), and/or any master(s), Superior(s), Principal(s) of User(s) consent and agree that LRD has the unrestricted right to levy, liquidate, sell, auction, have and to hold, lien, dispose of, take possession of any and all of User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s), and/or any master(s), Superior(s), Principal(s) of User(s) Property(ies) as payment of debt(s) owed to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus up to a value that LRD determines will pay all debts in full to LRD’s satisfaction;

2.32         LRD reserves all publication rights 

LRD reserves all publication and other rights at all times.  LRD reserves the right to publish, video, record any happenings, actions, events, proceedings, etc involving LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus and any PPC and/or User(s) and/or anything that makes Offer(s) to do business with LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus.  LRD reserves the right to keep,  publish and make public in any manner any and/or all documents, information, photos, communications, happenings, recordings, videos or whatever LRD so chooses to disclose involving PPC and/or User(s) that attempt or make Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus.  Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD reserves all publication and other rights regarding anything LRD deems at any time to be personal to LRD, LRD Property(ies), confidential or private information including but not limited to all garbage, or anything that is related to LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus even if in the process of being destroyed or disposed of.  Any master(s) of User(s), Superior(s), Principal(s), Employer(s) of User(s) and/or future User(s) consents and agrees now and in advance that on any of the User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or master(s), Superior(s), Principal(s), Employer(s) of User(s) and/or PPC becoming User(s) that LRD shall have the irrevocable right to freely make known anything and everything regarding such User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or such User(s) master(s) Superior(s), Principal(s), Employer(s) of User(s), and everything and anything made known by LRD shall be accepted as irrefutable fact(s) by all within the User(s) chain of command.  Such User(s), User(s) Agent(s), and master(s) of User(s), Superior(s), Principal(s), Employer(s) of User(s) consent and agree to freely provide LRD with whatever references, information, Property(ies), services or whatever LRD requires and to pay whatever fee(s) LRD deems necessary for any STEPP related to making anything known; 

2.33         Notice(s) of non trespass jurisdiction around Leon-Robert: Duffus

Leon-Robert: Duffus has jurisdiction at all times for a minimum distance of three (3) feet around in confined areas and 300 feet or more in open spaces or at LRD discretion upon giving verbal or any other form of Notice(s).  PPC and/or User(s) entering within this three (3) foot distance around LRD with the intent of making Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or interfering with any of the God given rights of Leon-Robert: Duffus are consenting and agreeing to making Offer(s) to do business and consent and agree in advance that any such User(s) and/or PPC and/or master(s) of User(s), Superior(s), Principal(s), Employer(s) of User(s) are liable for any and all Costs, damages of any severity to such PPC and/or User(s) for whatever reasons and to forever and irrevocably hold LRD and Leon-Robert: Duffus harmless from any Costs Expenses, damages, actions arising from such Offer(s) to do business .  The intent of User(s) and/or PPC shall be determined only by LRD;

2.34         Damage to the good reputation of LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

Damage to the good reputation of LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus shall be invoiced to User(s) at a rate deemed reasonable by LRD.  Damage is determined by LRD such as that which may result from entering information into LRD documents or any other documents issued by government(s) and/or corporation(s) where the information may also be secret or encoded or false, fabrications, perjury, slander, defamation of character, propaganda, gossip, misinformation, false information, rumours, hearsay, false charges, lies, insults misleading information, without evidence of facts approved by LRD, information slanderous and/or damaging to LRD honourable reputation. Any act(s), talk(s), audio(s), video(s), photographs(s), print(s), electrostatic copies that is/are malicious in nature or may damage, humiliate, embarrass the good reputation of Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD shall be invoiced to User(s) at a rate deemed reasonable by LRD.  Any Usage of STEPP in any such damaging materials shall also be invoiced for.  Any party/Person(s) that files/files/completes papers/documents/forms/physical and/or electronic information(s) involving LRD without the written signed authority of LRD is making Offer(s) to do business with LRD and consenting and agreeing to LRD SECURAFS_LRD_150109;

2.35         User(s) pay cancellation fees and damages to LRD

In the event that User(s) cancel any contracts, agreements, services with LRD that LRD decides causes any damages, losses, inconvenience, Expenses or extra Costs to LRD, then the User(s) further consents and agrees that LRD has the right to indebt User(s) to LRD and invoice User(s) for any and all Costs, STEPP, and ECCF involved;

2.36         Loss of business

LRD may invoice and/or sue for any loss of business and/or trade due to any form of ban(s), judgement(s) or hindrance(s), prohibition(s), or restricting that may at any time be in force or effect that hinder or ban LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any way, shape or form.  PPC and/or User(s) consent and agree that any such loss of business and/or trade due to any form of ban(s), judgement(s), hindrance(s), prohibition(s), or restricting LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus are Offer(s) to do business and shall be invoiced accordingly;

2.37         Threat, duress, intimidation 

LRD and Leon-Robert: Duffus hereby automatically has voided and nullified any past present, present, or future written or verbal consent that is/was received or gained by any PPC and/or User(s) from LRD while LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus is/was under threat, duress, intimidation, violence, black mail, confinement, taken/held against will, kidnapped or any form of torture whether mental, physical or emotional.  LRD and Leon-Robert: Duffus hereby automatically has voided and nullified any past present or future written or verbal agreement or consent that is/was received or gained by any PPC and/or User(s) from LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus while LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus is/was in the presence or influence of any User(s), Agent(s), gang(s), mob(s), thug(s), racket(s),Government Agent(s), Crown(s) Agent(s), goon(s) and/or weapon(s) held by Person(s), individual(s) or User(s) of any description such as but not limited to: guns, batons, whip(s), electric shock equipment, stun-gun(s), taser(s), toxic spray(s), chemical(s) ,or blades(s) of any shape or form; 

2.38         LRD requires a legally binding full and final Bill(s) 

Any PPC and/or User(s), by not providing LRD with a legally binding full and final Bill(s) upon LRD request for any and/or all contracts between Alleged Creditor(s) and Alleged Debtor(s) and Employee(s) regarding any LRD account(s) as per our good faith demand shall be such PPC and/or User(s) consent and agreement that all old, new, and future contracts between Alleged Creditor(s) and Alleged Debtor(s) regarding any LRD account(s) are now novated and PPC and/or User(s) are further agreeing and consenting that all LRD account(s) are now settled in full and shall be reported to any third party as "paid as agreed" and such PPC and/or User(s) consent and agreement to have no claim(s) of any kind against LRD related to any accounts, actions and/or matters;

2.39         Storage/holding fees

Storage fees may be invoiced to User(s) for storage of mail or anything else sent from User(s) that was not asked for, solicited, or ordered by LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus, including but not limited to e-mails, parked cars, mail. User(s) and/or PPC may be invoiced by LRD for bailment/lawful possession fees, storage/holding fees for any item LRD is holding and/or storing in care of User(s).  Any User(s) and/or PPC that orders and/or requests that LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus return, surrender, display, show, present for inspection item(s) stored in care of User(s) shall be subject to storage/holding fees and/or display/inspection fees.  User(s) that obtain possession of any item(s) held and/or stored in care of User(s) without prior or immediate payment of storage/holding fees to LRD are consenting and agreeing to having committed theft from LRD and/or assault on Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or causing damage(s) to LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus;

2.40         Rental or leased bailment

User(s) shall be liable for all leased, rented, seized Property(ies) and/or bailment's in User(s) name. In the event LRD needs to seize User(s) assets and/or Property(ies) for unsettled debts then LRD shall seize all and any rented, leased or bailment Property(ies) in User(s)  name, and User(s) are consenting and agreeing to settle any rental, leased or bailment payments to the leasors, lenders, bailors or landlords until any and all debts are settled for in full and/or for the duration(s) of the outstanding debts to LRD and LRD shall have full, unrestricted and complete use of any such Property(ies) and the right to dispose of such Property(ies) without further Notice(s)  to PPC and/or User(s); 

2.41         Erroneous reports 

Erroneous reports reported by any credit reporting Agency(ies) such as but not limited to Equifax or reported by any User(s) to any Credit Reporting Agency(ies), causing restraint, restriction, Usage of STEPP, or damage shall be subject to triple Costs and an amount equal to the amount of indebtedness mistakenly reported with or by any and all Credit Reporting Agency(ies) per incident, plus Usage plus ECCF;

2.42         Miscellaneous Costs

Other miscellaneous Costs may apply and be invoiced to User(s), including but not limited to postage, registered mail obtaining dis-honor non-acceptance notorial protests and certificates, injunctions, judgments, liens, travel, meals, insurance, vehicle rentals, accommodations, collection fees, bailiff fees, registration fees, legal fees, court Costs and all other Costs and/or damages incurred by LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus;

2.43         Payment Terms 

All payments are due to LRD in gold or platinum.  At LRD discretion the payment value can be converted to any other form such as Property(ies), silver or currencies at a conversion rate determined by LRD (based on market value). User(s) hereby consents and agrees to give LRD secure payment in full, payable to "LEON DUFFUS", © 2001 immediately upon receipt of Invoice(s).  User(s) hereby consents and agrees that the User(s) shall pay LRD all compensation, Invoice(s), fees, Costs, court Costs, damages in full immediately upon receipt of Invoice(s) from LRD.  User(s) and/or PPC consent and agree that on receiving an Invoice(s) from LRD such User(s) agree to discharge a debt as indicated on LRD Invoice(s) from User(s) to LRD. User(s) consent and agree to deliver to the Creditor(s)  LRD the value of the LRD invoiced debt, either in substance, gold valued at one (1) ounce  = eight hundred Pounds (£800.00) (adjusted by LRD from time to time without further Notice(s) and/or at the discretion of LRD, Property(ies), money, or goods, for LRD acceptance , within twenty one (21) days of the date of receipt of any Invoice(s). Terms and conditions of SECURAFS_LRD_150109 are always applicable.  User(s) agree to pay all court Costs directly to any alleged court for any court matter(s) with which the User(s) is involved with LRD and/or, at LRD's discretion and/or LRD can charge User(s) a fee of three (3) times the court Costs of which one third (1/3) will go to settle the court Costs and two thirds (2/3) shall be LRD fees for providing any such service(s). User(s) hereby consent(s) and agree(s) that the User(s) shall pay LRD for any Invoice(s) and any additional fee(s) up to the value(s) of the outstanding Invoice(s) and any additional fee(s) added to the Invoice(s) on or before the twenty first (21) day after the first submission of the Invoice(s) to User(s). User(s) hereby consent(s) and agree(s) that LRD may consolidate any and all Invoice(s) at LRD discretion.  At LRD's discretion, LRD may charge User(s) the necessary LRD compensation on top of the court Costs if any of LRD services are needed in this matter;


User(s) consent and agree that in the event that LRD owes User(s) any monies and/or debts and User(s) owe LRD any monies and/or debts then in such a situation if the difference is a debt owed to LRD then User(s) consent and agree to deduct the sum LRD owes User(s) and pay the difference to LRD within twenty one (21) days.  If the difference is a debt owed to User(s) then User(s) consent and agrees that LRD will deduct the sum the User(s) owes LRD (s) and settle the difference to User(s);

2.44         Contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall be for in perpetuity and shall not die

This agreement/contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 or any other agreement/contract drawn up and issued by LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus to User(s) shall be for in perpetuity and shall never die, and shall automatically continue with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus respective successor(s), assign(s), and hier(s) and shall not die with the closing of any transactions, accounts or corporations of User(s);

2.45         LRD successor(s) and/or heir(s) have priority right to collect from User(s)

User(s) are consenting and agreeing that any and all unpaid User(s) debts to LRD shall be collectable by LRD and/or any LRD successor(s), and/or LRD assignee(s), and/or heir(s) of LRD from User(s) at any time, from the first Notice(s) of default and/or dishonour caused by User(s), in perpetuity or until such Invoice(s), billings, and/or claims are paid in full;  

2.46         LRD Invoice(s) and/or collection(s) not subject to any time limitations

User(s) agree and consent that any unpaid Invoices, billings, and/or claims from LRD against any User(s) and/or PPC shall not be subject to any statute(s) of limitations and shall remain in force for in perpetuity or until such Invoice(s), billings, and/or claims are paid in full.  Any and all debts owed to LRD by User(s) and/or PPC are subject to the terms and conditions of this instrument SECUAFS _LRD_150109 contractual agreement and shall be legally binding on all User(s), and this contract SECUAFS _LRD_150109 shall be irrevocable, and the contract terms and conditions shall supersede all statues of limitations.  LRD shall have the priority right to collect payment from User(s) and /or their successors, acting successor(s), assignee(s), heir(s), starting from the first Notice(s) of default and/or dishonour caused by User(s) and at any time for in perpetuity or until such Invoice(s), billings, and/or claims are paid in full to LRD.  LRD shall not be bound by any statute(s) of limitations in any shape or form pursuant to LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) SECUAFS _LRD_150109.  All User(s) are consenting and agreeing to wave all rights and protections when User(s) become indebted and/or in default and/or dishonour to LRD.  User(s) are consenting and agreeing when choosing and/or making Offer(s) to do business with LRD, that LRD has the right to collect any and all Property(ies) of User(s) at any time and without obstruction(s), hindrance or delay to settle User(s) debts to LRD and that LRD does not need to give any further Notice(s) to User(s) in this regard.  User(s) are consenting and agreeing that at no time shall User(s) have any redress of Property(ies) taken, possessed or seized by LRD or LRD Agent(s); 

2.47         Settlement terms with User(s) by LRD

In the event that LRD needs to make a settlement to any User(s) in the form of issuing an instrument such as a promissory note, bill of exchange then User(s) are consenting and agreeing that LRD has the right to create the value in the form of a promissory note necessary to settle any alleged debt to User(s).  User(s) shall be bound by the agreement that any note issued by LRD has value of the amount stated on the Bill(s)/note and all User(s) shall honour such note as a lawful settlement of any alleged debt.  All User(s) are consenting and agreeing to the supremacy of God, and to honour English Common Law, honour the Bills of Exchange Act, and honour the Rule of Law.  Contract SECUAFS _LRD_150109 shall be irrevocable and binding on all User(s);

2.48         Principal(s) of User(s) are responsible for their servants debts to LRD 

Any Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consent and agree to be jointly and severally liable for Agent(s) and/or servant(s) debts to LRD if such debts are incurred in the duty of such Agent(s) and/or servant(s) for the User(s) Principal(s) and/ or master(s). Any Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) consent and agree that any and all of such Principal(s) and/or master(s) Property(ies) shall be collateral and/or payment for debt(s) to LRD. In the event of PPC that are Agent(s) or servants of Principal(s) and/or master(s) becoming User(s) and/or User(s) are in default to LRD, the Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) shall be jointly and severally liable shall be indebted to LRD and shall be in default to LRD;

2.49         User(s) appoint LRD as fiduciary with unrestricted powers

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) appoint LRD as fiduciary with full unrestricted power to settle all claims and related Costs against User(s) including claims resulting from contracts SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or User(s) Agreement(s) UA-LRD-270605 and FSB-LRD-270605 on User(s) behalf by disposing of all Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies), real or otherwise, and LRD fiduciary signature(s) shall have the same power and effect as if it is Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) signature(s), without any limitation(s). Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consents and agrees to the said appointment of LRD as fiduciary irrevocably and without recourse. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consents and agrees to be bound in contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 with LRD.  Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consents and agrees to hold LRD harmless from any actions, Costs, damages, Expenses, court Costs, Expense(s), due to any action(s) or inaction(s) of LRD and/or Agent(s) of LRD;

2.50         LRD shall have priority claim over User(s) Property(ies) for collateral

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) authenticates this Self-Executing User Agreement(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109 wherein User(s) is/are Debtor(s) and LRD is Creditor/Secured Party, and wherein Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) irrevocably and without recourse pledge(s) all of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies) as collateral for value received from LRD. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) irrevocably consent and agree that Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies), shall be collateral for securing User(s) contractual obligation in favour of LRD for User(s) Usage of STEPP. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consent and agree that no matter where or in what jurisdiction Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) assets and/or Property(ies) are held, LRD shall have unhindered, unobstructed access to Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) assets and/or Property(ies) and LRD shall have automatic priority claim over any such Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies) and/or assets.  Once a PPC becomes a User(s), such Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) pledges all User(s) interest(s) in all Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies), now owned and/or hereafter acquired, now existing and/or hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral and/or payment for securing Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) contractual obligation(s) to LRD;

2.51         LRD authorized to register financial instruments against User(s)

User(s) consent(s) and agree(s) to LRD registering financing Statement(s) and/or lien(s), and/or equivalent instruments, and enforcement of such in the Personal Property Security Registry ("PPSR") and Personal Property Security Act ("PPSA") or equivalent in any jurisdiction(s), and optionally in any Land Registry/Land Titles Office, wherein User(s) is/are Debtor(s) and LRD is the Secured Party.  User(s) consents and agrees that said PPSR and PPSA registration(s) is a continuing financing Statement(s), and User(s) further consents and agrees with LRD 's registration(s) of any continuing financing Statement(s) necessary for LRD maintaining perfected security interest(s) in all of User(s) Property(ies)  and interest(s) in Property(ies)  pledged as collateral in User(s) Agreement(s) SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or previous User(s) Agreement(s) and/or Fee Schedual(s) and/or contracts with LRD until User(s) contractual obligations to LRD have been fully paid to the satisfaction of LRD.  User(s) authorize(s) registration(s) and the reimbursement of registration(s) Costs to LRD of such continuing financing Statement(s) as well as the filing of any security agreement(s), as applicable.  User(s) consents and agrees that any and all such registrations and filings of continuing financing Statement(s) are not and shall not be claimed and/or considered bogus, frivolous and/or vexatious to User(s) without consenting and agreeing to an additional immediate payment to LRD of an amount no less than two (2) times the User(s) present indebtedness to M;

2.52         User(s) appoint LRD as authorized representative

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) appoint(s) LRD as Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) authorized representative with unlimited and unrestricted irrevocable powers effective upon User(s) default as set forth in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) appoint(s) LRD with full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of the Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s), without limitation and without recourse of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s). Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) further consent and agree that LRD and/or Agent(s) of LRD have superior lawful force that supersedes any Crown(s), Judge(s) and/or Bailiff(s) for the purpose of debt collections and entering of any premises and/or Property(ies) of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) and seizing of assets and Property(ies) of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) in order to settle any outstanding debt(s) owed by User(s) to LRD. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) further consents and agrees to the appointment of LRD as Secured Party and LRD as an authorized and appointed judge and as Authorized Representative for the Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s), effective upon the User(s) default and is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest in Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies). Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consent and agree that LRD and/or LRD Agent(s) have priority right to collect debt(s) and/or Property(ies) from Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) at any time after User(s) default to LRD, as determined by LRD, up to a value of Property(ies) that will make payment for the debt(s) as determined by LRD;

2.53         Debts and Collections

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consent and agree that non-payment in full of any and all Invoice(s) issued to User(s) by LRD shall constitute a debt to LRD and bring the Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) into dishonour and default. In the event that User(s) become Debtor(s) to LRD, such Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) are consenting and agreeing that LRD shall have the right to use any means and force necessary to collect such outstanding debts from Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s). In the event of User(s) Default to LRD, the Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) shall be indebted to LRD and are in default to LRD.  Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) consent and agree that non-payment in full of any and all Invoice(s) issued to User(s) that are Agent(s) and/or servants of Principal(s) and/or masters by LRD shall constitute a debt to LRD and bring the Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) into dishonour and default. In the event that Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) become Debtor(s) to LRD, such Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) are consenting and agreeing that LRD shall have the right to use any means and force necessary to collect such outstanding debts from Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s);

2.54         Terms for Curing Default 

In the event of User(s) Default, only by payment in full to LRD, within three (3) business days shall cure the default.  The payment method shall be stated on the Invoice(s) sent to User(s) and may include but not be limited to delivery of gold and/or currency and/or Property(ies) to LRD at a time and place specified by LRD and/or payment by cheque(s) made Payable to “LEON  DUFFUS” and sent by registered mail only to the address stated on the LRD Invoice(s) or if the method of payment is not stated on the Invoice(s) by LRD then the delivery of gold to LRD at a place and time of LRD choosing shall cure the default.  If User(s) and/or Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) fail to make the required payment(s) to LRD with gold and/or currency and/or cheque(s) as specified by LRD within the specified time then such nonpayment shall be evidence of the User(s) and/or Principal(s) of User(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) agreeing and consenting to give LRD authorization to enforce iLRDediate strict non-judicial and/or judicial foreclosure on User(s) and/or Principal(s) of User(s) and/or Master(s) of User(s) and/or Agent(s) of User(s) such that LRD shall iLRDediately be able to take any and all of such Debtor(s) Property(ies) for payment of User(s) debt to a value LRD deems to be sufficient to cure the debt(s); 

2.55         User(s) give LRD power to place User(s) into insolvency and bankruptcy

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) further consents and agrees that LRD has the power and authority granted by Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) to place indebted Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) into iLRDediate insolvency and/or involuntary bankruptcy at any time and/or in any jurisdiction. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) further consents and agrees that LRD has power and authority granted by Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) that supersedes any Crown(s), judge, or bailiff in regards to entering any premises and/or Property(ies) of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) or where Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s)/Debtor(s) have assets and/or Property(ies) and to seize any Property(ies) for LRD with out hindrance or delays by Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s), any such hindrances by Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) shall constitute a criminal act as if obstructing a Crown(s), bailiff and/or police officer and shall be invoiced accordingly.  Any hindrance, obstruction, or delay(s) by Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s)/Debtor(s) of LRD and/or Authorized Representative of LRD and/or Agent(s) of LRD shall be User(s) consent and agreement to pay any additional LRD fee(s)and/or ECCF that LRD determines to be necessary and that if the need for bailiffs and or police arise then Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consents and agrees to pay the full LRD Costs and court Costs plus all Costs of LRD bailiffs and Authorized Representative(s) of LRD and/or Agent(s) of LRD;

2.56         Default gives LRD first priority secured interest in all User(s) Property(ies) 

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) upon User(s) default to LRD, as determined by LRD, without limitation and without recourse, irrevocably consents and agrees that LRD has a first priority secured interest in all Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies) and such priority secured interest shall not die with the closing of any transactions, accounts or corporations and LRD has the priority right to liquidate, and/or possess and/or repossess and/or, "have and to hold", all Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) assets and/or Property(ies) and to  put any such Property(ies) and/or corporation(s) into involuntary bankruptcy at any time and this shall be binding not only on the Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) hereto but also their respective heir(s), successors, assigns, and/or any Person(s) acting in the Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and/or User(s) capacity and such priority secured interest shall not die with the closing of any transaction(s), account(s) or corporation(s);

2.57         User(s) waive defense and release and save harmless LRD

Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) waive(s) all defence against LRD and SECURAFS_LRD_150109, irrevocably and without recourse. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consents and agrees to release and save harmless LRD and Leon-Robert: Duffus from all claims, losses, judgments and/or actions arising or resulting from any and all actions caused or started by Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) as determined by LRD, and/or any actions deemed by LRD as necessary to recover any debt(s) from Principal(s) of User(s) and User(s);

2.58         Terms of Strict Foreclosure 

User(s) non-payment in full of any and all Invoice(s) within the said three (3) day period for curing default as set forth above under Terms for Curing Default, authorizes LRD as Authorized Representative of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) for iLRDediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all of the Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies). Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) are consenting and agreeing that LRD authority supersedes the authority of any Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) that are indebted to LRD, and LRD has the same or greater authority force and power as if strict foreclosure and/or repossession were ordered by a Crown(s), bailiff, judge or court order in the seizure of any Property(ies) of Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) that are in debt, dishonour and/or default to LRD; 

2.59         Default Terms and Taking Possession 

Default shall occur in the event that LRD Invoice(s) to User(s) and/or PPC are not paid in full and/or on time.  In the event of User(s) default, Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) consent and agree that LRD may take possession of any and all Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies), as well as otherwise dispose of such Property(ies) in any manner that LRD deems appropriate or wishes, at LRD's sole discretion including, but not limited to:

1) Sale at auction, set at any time following the User(s) default, and without further Notice(s), any and all of Principal(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies).

2) LRD has the right to give and or transfer title to  any and all of Principal(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies) to LRD and/or any PPC and/or Agent(s) of LRD that LRD so wishes or deems appropriate, 

3) LRD has the right to use all Principal(s) of User(s) and User(s), Debtors, Property(ies) and tiles as credit for offsetting any debt that LRD may owe others, and/or use as future credit at LRD so orders, 

4) LRD has the authority to issue promissory notes to any User(s) and/or PPC and/or LRD as valid credit with the same validity and legitimacy, force and effect as if issued by the User(s) as a solvent financial institution and/or a natural Person(s) and the User(s) shall be held completely libel for any charges, bounced cheques, not sufficient funds "NSF" or dishonored instruments such as but not limited to: cheques, promissory notes, notes.  User(s) shall hold LRD harmless from any such actions, charges, bounced cheques, not sufficient founds "NSF" or dishonored instruments such as but not limited to: cheques, promissory notes, notes, bonds;

5) LRD the authority to distribute any moneys, chattel, Property(ies) or assets of Debtor(s) to LRD and/or any third party  LRD so deems or chooses, 

6) Furthermore, User(s) by default are now Debtor(s) and automatically appoint LRD with the full power and authority of User(s) fiduciary with full unrestricted power and authority to settle all debts and related Costs owed by User(s) as Debtor(s) to LRD including debts resulting from new contracts/User(s) Agreement(s) such as but not limited to SECURAFS_LRD_13090.  LRD, on User(s) behalf shall dispose of all Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) Property(ies), real or otherwise, and LRD shall act with full power and authority as Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) fiduciary and Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and/or User(s) consent and agree that LRD signature shall have without any limitation(s) the same or greater power and effect as if it is Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) signature. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and User(s) irrevocable and without recourse consent and agree to the terms and conditions described herein SECURAFS_LRD_13090 and the said appointment of LRD as Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and/or User(s) fiduciary and/or secured party and/or Creditor(s) in bankruptcy with full signing authority; 

2.60         The evil of interest and usury

Principal(s) of User(s) and User(s) consent and agree not to pay any interest (usury) or receive interest payments and shall not allow any Principal(s) of User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s) and/or User(s) to pay interest (usury) or receive interest (usury) payments.  

Quotes from King James Bible

Exodus 22:25  If thou lend money to any of My people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.


Leviticus 25:37  Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.


Leviticus 25:36 Take thou no usury of him, or increase.........


Deuteronomy 23:19  Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury:


Psalms 15:5  He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.


Ezekiel 18:8  He that hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase, that hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, hath executed true judgment between man and man,


Ezekiel 18:13  Hath given forth upon usury, and hath taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not live: he hath done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him.


Any User(s) and/or Principal(s) of User(s) charging or paying usury and/or interest are consenting and agreeing to pay LRD fee(s), Costs, damages per day until such usury practices are stopped. Principal(s) and/or master(s) of User(s) and/or User(s) Agent(s) and User(s) consent and agree that all mankind is of the same family having the same Father according to the Bible, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." - Mattew. 5:4 and as such every man, woman, and child is a brother or sister and not a stranger to anyone honourable.  Thus any PPC and/or User(s) that would charge usury (interest) to a family member is either in dishonour for not upholding the Law of God according to the King James version of the Bible or is an illegitimate person that only dishonourably claims to be or have legitimacy in the family of God; 

2.61         Notice(s) to the Principal(s), Agent(s), employees, and servants

Notice(s) to the Principal(s) is Notice(s) to all Agent(s), employee(s), contractor(s), and/or servant(s), and Notice(s) to any Agent(s), employee(s), and/or servant(s), is Notice(s) to the Principal(s) and/or all Agent(s) within the chain of command.  In the event that Agent(s) become User(s) by any means and/or by the Usage of STEPP, even if acting on or behalf of a higher authority such as but not limited to Crown(s), Pope, CROWN(s), Lord Mayor, Receiver(s), Queen(s), King(s), employer(s), Master(s), Principal(s), Agent(s), Chief Executive Officer(s) also known as CEO, Minister(s), director(s), supervisor(s), administrator(s), governor(s), General Manager(s), all referred to as alleged Principal(s) then, "Notice(s) to the Principal(s) is Notice(s) to all Agent(s) and Notice(s) to any Agent(s) is Notice(s) to the Principal(s) and all Agent(s)", and Notice(s) to the Principal(s) is Notice(s) to all Agent(s), employee(s), contractor(s), and/or servant(s), and Notice(s) to any Agent(s), employee(s), and/or servant(s), is Notice(s) to the Principal(s) and/or all Agent(s) within the chain of command and all PPC and/or User(s) are consenting and agreeing to be bound in contract to this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 on the Usage of STEPP and/or making Offer(s) to do business with LRD;

2.62         Notice(s) that Agent(s) Offer(s) to do business  for Principal(s)

Notice(s): Any Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus by Agent(s), employee(s), and/or servant(s), of the Principal(s) are shall be considered as Offer(s) to do business with LRD by the Principal(s) and all in the chain of command of the Principal(s).  All such Offer(s) to do business with LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus by the Principal(s) and/or the Principal(s) Agent(s), employee(s), and/or servant(s) shall signify a willingness by the Principal(s) and all in the chain of command of the Principal(s) to be bound in contract by this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 voluntarily and of their own free will in exchange for the benefits and/or Fair and valuable consideration received from Usage of STEPP;

2.63         Affirmations of the Crown(s) regarding Crown(s) Colonies

In the event any Crown(s) Agent(s), Crown(s) Government Agent(s), become User(s), and are thus bound to this contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109, then all Crown(s) and/or Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Crown(s) Principal(s) shall be bound to this contract SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and immediately and irrevocably any and all Crown(s) and/or Crown(s) Agent(s) pledge and make claim and state to the whole world that such Crown(s) and/or Crown(s) Agent(s) and/or Crown(s) Principal(s) shall believe, teach, support, and enforce a free system based on the following:

1. A system based on the supremacy of God, Common Law and the Rule of Law, wherein every man, woman, and child have all the God given rights including but not limited to those in the King James version of the Bible and are equal in the eyes of the law of God and free to use all manmade laws to their advantage and prosperity. 

2. The Crown(s) shall act as public servant(s) for every man, woman, and child while building a system based on the supremacy of God.

3. A system of freedom based on a lawful de jure government that believes in the supremacy of God. 

4. Every man and woman shall be treated equal and free and shall have the right to do business and contract in good faith.

5. Political tolerance and freedoms without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) harassment and interference.

6. Ownership of Property(ies) without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) harassment and interference.

7. Right of freedom of beliefs without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) harassment and interference.

8. Right of freedom of expression and right of freedom of the press without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) and/or government and/or corporate harassment and interference.

9. Right of freedom of religion without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) harassment and interference.

10. Right of freedom of education, to choose whatever education we the people want, whatever profession, job or life style.

11. Right of peaceful ownership and protection of Property(ies). 

12. Right of freedom and choice for whatever style of health care, foods, health products, health practitioner(s), herbs, practices, medicines, practitioner or styles, treatments, cures, medical interventions, drugs, that any individual and/or PPC may choose.

13. Right of freedom of association and gathering.

15. The people being free to protect their families and Property(ies) by whatever means necessary.

16. Right to freedom to contract and do business with whoever we the people please without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) harassment and interference.

17. Right to freedom of expression in the arts, writing, publishing, music, without government(s), State and/or Crown(s) harassment and interference.

18. Right to political freedom, to create policy, to protest, be politically active, involved without  government(s), State and/or Crown(s)harassment and interference.

Crown(s), Principal(s) of Crown(s), and Crown(s) Agent(s) consent and agree that immediately on any Crown(s), Principal(s) of Crown(s), and/or Crown(s) Agent(s) becoming User(s) that all such Crown(s), Principal(s) of Crown(s), and such Crown(s) Agent(s) shall immediately uphold the above eighteen (18) principal points or else be subject to a minimum fee of 3750 ounces of gold per day until such time as all the above eighteen principal points are implemented to the satisfaction of LRD.  Failure to implement the above eighteen principal points within twenty one (21) days of the first Crown(s) PPC becoming a User(s) shall be evidence of all Crown(s), Crown(s) Principal(s), Crown(s) Agent(s) Crown(s) PPC and/or User(s) complete chain of command irrevocably and voluntarily consenting and agreeing to renouncing any and all claims to all Property(ies) and to transfer any and all claim(s) and ownership of such Property(ies) to LRD at a time and location of LRD choosing;

3           Fee Schedule(s)

3.1            Payment Options

All payments are due to LRD in gold or platinum.  At LRD’s discretion the payment value can be converted to any other forms such as Property(ies), or currencies at a conversion rate determined by LRD from time to time;

3.2            Fees and services at LRD discretion

All fees and Fee Rates in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 indicate the fees charged to PPC and/or User(s).  All fee(s) shall have additional fees for ECCF in addition to the quoted fee(s).  Thus, all Expenses, Costs, Court Costs, Fee(s) Rate and a fee(s) no less than two times the value of the court Costs is always invoiced by LRD to any and all User(s) and/or PPC.  ECCF shall always be invoiced to User(s) and/or PPC such that LRD shall always make a minimum of at least 100% profit on all Costs, Court Costs, transaction(s), orders, Charge(s), Usage, billable(s). Use of the term Court Costs does not imply acknowledging that any alleged court is in fact a court.  All fees invoiced by LRD shall be at the discretion and option of LRD.  Not everything that can be invoiced to PPC and/or User(s) are listed in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 since we look forward to adding to User(s) Invoice(s) in new ways as demand grows.  User(s) and/or PPC consent and agree in advance to any new and additional fees that shall be added to this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 from time to time and without further Notice(s) knowing that the fees will be set at the sole discretion of LRD and payable by User(s) and/or PPC;

3.3            Service fees for Authorized User(s) 

The Infraction(s) in Table 1 of this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 are listed beside the fees charged to Authorized User(s) for such Infraction(s). All fees charged for Infraction(s) against LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall be at the sole discretion and option of LRD.  All fee(s) shall have additional fees for ECCF in addition to the quoted fee(s).  Thus, all Expenses, Costs, Court Costs, Fee(s) for LRD time Usage, Fee(s) Rate and a fee(s) no less than two times the value of any court Costs is always invoiced by LRD to any and all User(s) and/or PPC.  ECCF shall always be invoiced to User(s) and/or PPC such that LRD shall always make a minimum of at least 100% profit on all Costs, Court Costs, transaction(s), orders, Charge(s), Usage, billable(s). Use of the term Court Costs does not imply acknowledging that any alleged court is in fact a court.  All fees invoiced by LRD shall be at the discretion and option of LRD.  Not everything that can be invoiced to PPC and/or User(s) are listed in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or Table 1 below;

Table 1 Authorized User(s) Fees and/or Fee Rates.  All ECCF Extra

Short descriptions of some LRD Infraction(s)

Minimum Fees Rates stated in Ounces of gold.  Fees are the minimum and can be adjusted up at the sole discretion of LRD.  All additional fees for LRD time and ECCF are extra and in addition to the minimum fees.

1)       Fee rate for services, time, energy, effort(s), labour, 

1/10 oz. gold per minute

2)       Filing of court claims, defences or other legal fiction procedures, or all other office work, registering and/or recording documents

12 1/2 oz. gold per registration 

3)       Time in any alleged court of any kind or jurisdiction

1/4 oz. gold per minute 

4)       Educational services 

1/4 oz. gold per minute 

5)       Fee to resubmit unpaid Invoice(s) to User(s) every 21 days

1/4oz. gold per 21 days

6)       other fees as undetermined and/or unforeseen by LRD

To be determined by LRD

7)       Receiving any unauthorized or unsolicited mail 

1/4 oz. gold per item

8)       Receiving unsolicited/unauthorized phone calls and/or faxes

1/4 oz. gold per telephone call and/or fax page

9)       Receiving unsolicited/unauthorized e-mails and/or text messages

1/4 oz. gold per item 

10)    Fee for LRD signature and/or LRD acknowledgement of receipt for any unsolicited service of any document(s), Notice(s)

62.5 oz. gold per signature

11)    LRD name Usage for Authorized User(s) only.  Possession or Usage of name is invoiced for each day.

625 oz. gold per Infraction(s) per day

12)    Listening to questions and/opinions 

1 1/4 oz. gold per question 

13)    Answering or replying to questions/opinions - economy speedy service we usually respond within 90 day by written reply 

1 1/4 oz. gold per question 

14)    Answering or replying to questions/opinions - golden speedy service we usually respond within 30 days by written reply 

4 oz. gold per question

15)    Answering or replying to questions/opinions - VIP express service  verbal reply we usually respond within 24 hours 

6 1/4 oz. gold per question 

16)    Usage of LRD Intellectual Property(ies) not including name Usage 

38 oz. gold per Usage per day. 

17)    Usage of LRD Copyright/Copy-Claim Property(ies)

625 oz. gold per Usage per day. 

18)    Correcting mistakes and/or deficiencies of User(s) documents and instruments that are presented to LRD 

1/10 oz. gold per minute 

19)    Debts collections for outstanding debts to LRD by User(s)

38 oz. gold per Usage 

20)    Completing and filing Liens, PPSA, PPSR, record(s), registration(s) 


21)    Government document registrations and filings

1/2 oz. gold per registration

22)    Posting of Notice(s) for or on behalf of or because of User(s) deficiencies and/or actions 

1/2 oz. gold per posting or sending 

23)    Orders from any User(s) to LRD in any shape or form

12.5 oz. gold per order 

24)    Offer(s) to do business by User(s) with LRD 

4 oz. gold per offer 

25)    citizen duties, or fulfilling oaths and or affirmations or allegiances 

37.5 oz. gold per offer

26)    Taking care of or bailment of or possession of any document(s) issued by any level of Commercial PPC and/or  Government(s) to LRD or any form of official ether asking for such document(s). Demanding/ ordering showing such document(s) shall be subject to an  additional presentment and showing fee

1/2 oz. gold per item per day bailment and 1/2 oz. gold for every showing of such items and/or document(s)

27)    Fees for initial setup and processing of forms and/or documents 

1/2 oz. gold per form/document and 1/2  oz. gold per page

28)    Loss of business and/or trade due to any form of ban(s), hindrance(s), orders, judgements,  that may at any time be in force or effect that hinder or ban LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any way, shape or form.

1250 oz. gold per Usage per day

29)    Nuisance legal proceedings

37.5 oz. gold per proceeding

30)    Equifax, Experian, et al inquiries 

12.5 oz. gold per Usage

31)    using LRD N.I. number 

12.5 oz. gold per Usage

32)    Each failure by User(s) to answer questions Pursuant to LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109

1 1/4 oz. gold per Usage

33)    Breaking or dishonouring any agreements or contracts that cause LRD damage and/or use unreasonable amounts of LRD time and energy.

1250 oz. gold per Usage

34)    Travel time in relation to any matter 

1/10 oz. gold per minute 

35)    Bailment, rentals, loans and leasing of any LRD Property(ies)

4 oz. gold per item per day

36)    User(s) being late, or failing to keep appointment(s)

30oz. gold per  missed appointment

37)    Financial and criminal background checks of all User(s) that choose to do business with LRD 

4 oz. gold per User(s) 

38)    Annual membership fees for Authorized User(s)

4 oz. gold per year 



3.4 Service fees for Unauthorized User(s)

The Infraction(s) in Table 2 of this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 are listed beside the fees charged to PPC and/or Unauthorized and/or Authorized User(s) for such Infraction(s). All fees charged for Infraction(s) against LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or SECURAFS_LRD_150109 shall be at the sole discretion and option of LRD. All fee(s) shall have additional fees for ECCF in addition to the quoted fee(s).  Thus, all Expenses, Costs, Court Costs, Fee(s) for LRD time Usage, Fee(s) Rate and a fee(s) no less than two times (2) the value of any court Costs is always invoiced by LRD to any and all User(s) and/or PPC.  ECCF shall always be invoiced to User(s) and/or PPC such that LRD shall always make a minimum of at least 100% profit on all Costs, Court Costs, transaction(s), orders, Charge(s), Usage, billable(s). Use of the term court Costs does not imply acknowledging that any alleged court is in fact a court.  All fees invoiced by LRD shall be at the discretion and option of LRD.  Not everything that can be invoiced to PPC and/or User(s) are listed in this SECURAFS_LRD_150109 and/or Table 2 below; 

Table 2 Unauthorized User(s) Fees and/or Fee Rates.  All ECCF Extra

Short descriptions of some LRD Infraction(s)

Minimum Fees Rates stated in Ounces of gold.  Fees are the minimum and can be adjusted up at the sole discretion LRD.  All additional fees for LRD time and ECCF are extra and in addition to the minimum fees.

1)       Fee rate for services, time, energy, effort(s), labour, 

1/4oz. gold per minute

2)       Filing of court claims, defences or other legal fiction procedures, or all other office work, registering and/or recording documents

38 oz. gold per registration 

3)       Time in any alleged court of any kind or jurisdiction

1/2 oz. gold per minute 

4)       Educational services 

1/2 oz. gold per minute 

5)       Fee to resubmit unpaid Invoice(s) to User(s) every 21 days

1/2oz. gold per 21 days

6)       other fees as undetermined and/or unforeseen by LRD

To be determined by LRD

7)       Receiving any unauthorized or unsolicited mail 

1/2 oz. gold per item

8)       Receiving unsolicited/unauthorized phone calls and/or faxes

1/2 oz. gold per telephone call and/or fax page

9)       Receiving unsolicited/unauthorized e-mails and/or text messages

1/2 oz. gold per item 

10)    Fee for LRD signature and/or LRD acknowledgement of receipt for any unsolicited service of any document(s), Notice(s) 

187.5 oz. gold per signature

11)    LRD name Usage for Authorized User(s) only.  Possession or Usage of name is invoiced for each day.

1875 oz. gold per Infraction(s) per day

12)    Listening to questions and/opinions 

4 oz. gold per question 

13)    Answering or replying to questions/opinions - economy speedy service we usually respond within 90 day by written reply 

4 oz. gold per question 

14)    Answering or replying to questions/opinions - golden speedy service we usually respond within 30 days by written reply 

12 oz. gold per question

15)    Answering or replying to questions/opinions - VIP express service verbal reply we usually respond within 24 hours 

19 oz. gold per question 

16)    Usage of LRD Intellectual Property(ies) 

12 oz. gold per Usage per day. 

17)    Usage of LRD Copyright/Copy-Claim Property(ies)

1875 oz. gold per Usage per day. 

18)    Correcting mistakes and/or deficiencies of User(s) documents and instruments that are presented to LRD 

1/4 oz. gold per minute 

19)    Debts collections for outstanding debts to LRD by User(s)

114 oz. gold per Usage 

20)    Completing and filing Liens, PPSA, PPSR, record(s), registration(s) 

1 1/2 oz. gold per registration 

21)    Government document registrations and filings

1 1/2oz. gold per registration

22)    Posting of Notice(s) for or on behalf of or because of User(s) deficiencies and/or actions 

1 1/2oz. gold per posting or sending 

23)    Orders from any User(s) to LRD in any shape or form

38 oz. gold per order 

24)    Offer(s) to do business by User(s) with LRD 

12 oz. gold per offer 

25)    Citizen duties, or fulfilling oaths and or affirmations or allegiances 

113 oz. gold per offer

26)    Taking care of or bailment of or possession of any document(s) issued by any level of Commercial PPC and/or Government(s) to LRD or any form of official ether asking for such document(s).  Demanding/ordering showing such document(s) shall be subject to an  additional presentment and showing fee

1 1/2oz. gold per item per day bailment and 1/2 oz. gold for every showing of such items and/or document(s)

27)    Fees for initial setup and processing of forms and/or documents 

1 1/2oz. gold per form/document and 1 1/2  oz. gold per page

28)    Loss of business and/or trade due to any form of ban(s), hindrance(s), orders, judgements, that may at any time be in force or effect that hinder or ban LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any way, shape or form.

3750 oz. gold per Usage per day

29)    Nuisance legal proceedings

112.5 oz. gold per proceeding

30)    Equifax, Experian, etc. inquiries 

38 oz. gold per Usage

31)    Using LRD sin number 

38 oz. gold per Usage

32)    Each failure by User(s) to answer questions Pursuant to LRD User(s) Agreement(s) and Fee Schedule(s) instrument SECURAFS_LRD_150109

4 oz. gold per Usage

33)    Breaking or dishonouring any agreements or contracts that cause LRD damage and/or use unreasonable amounts of LRD time and energy.

3750 oz. gold per Usage

34)    Travel time in relation to any matter 

1/4 oz. gold per minute 

35)    Bailment, rentals, loans and leasing of any LRD Property(ies)

12 oz. gold per item per day

36)    User(s) being late, failing to keep appointment(s)

90oz. gold per  missed appointment

37)    Hindering, delaying, Unauthorized Usage and/or wasting Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD time, money or energy

4 oz. gold per Usage 

38)    User(s) failing, to honour and or uphold any agreement, contract, or promises of any kind

37.5 oz. gold per Usage 

39)    Perjury, scams, racketeering, deceit, trickery, and/or fabricated evidence against Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD

375 oz. gold per Usage 

40)    User(s) and/or Agent(s) failing to perform their duties, causing faults, deficiencies, mistakes, errors, mishaps, failing to uphold the laws or failing to honour agreements/contracts causing damage to Leon-Robert: Duffus  and/or LRD

375 oz. gold per Usage 

41)    Unauthorized cancellation , shortening of the period of use, or changing the period of use, of any product, license, pass, services, entitlements, privileges without written signed consent from LRD in advance of any such changes. 

625 oz. gold per Usage 

42)    Taking care of or bailment of or possession of any document(s) issued by any level of Commercial PPC and/or Government(s) to LRD of or any form of official ether asking for such document(s), demanding for such document(s), or ordering for such document(s) shall be subject to a presentment and showing fee. 

1/2 oz. gold per day every presentment or showing of such documents to any government(s) and/or Crown(s) Agent(s)

43)    Invasion of Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD's privacy by means of spychip(s), RFID, electronic bug(s), listening device(s), video monitor(s), hidden electronic device(s) 

625 oz. gold per Usage 

44)    Interference in any of LRD's affairs in any shape or form

4 oz. gold per Usage 

45)    All and any commercial and financial transactions involving LRD without the written consent from LRD

4 oz. gold per Usage 

46)    Health services needed due to any and all damages caused   by User(s) until recovery complete. 

4 oz. gold per minute 

47)    Theft or loss of LRD Property(ies) and or STEPP

4 oz. gold per Usage 

48)    Damages to Leon-Robert: Duffus,  LRD, Property(ies) and/or STEPP

4 oz. gold per Usage 

49)    Unauthorized possession of LRD Property(ies) and/or STEPP

4 oz. gold per Usage 

50)    Unauthorized Usage, trading, theft, and possession of LRD and/or STEPP

1/2 oz. gold per Usage 

51)    Losing, destroying or damaging of Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD Property(ies) and/or STEPP

3750 oz. gold per Infraction(s)

52)    Evaluations and/or assessments of Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD in any shape or form without autographed written consent

3750 oz. gold per evaluation/assessment 

53)    Subjecting Leon-Robert: Duffus in any shape or form to harmful or toxic environments without autographed written consent

626 oz. gold per hour 

54)    Biometrics, scans, prints and photos of Leon-Robert: Duffus in any shape or form. 

626 oz. gold per Usage 

55)    Spying, stalking, harassment, tracking, monitoring, surveillance of  Leon-Robert: Duffus or LRD

375 oz. gold per Usage 

56)    Extortion, blackmail, bailment, ransom and plea bargains against Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD

3750 oz. gold per Usage 

57)    Unauthorized listing(s) in computer(s) or any form of electronic database or retrieval system of the name(s) or information in regards to Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD and/or any name(s) that resembles or is a variation thereof

626 oz. gold per Usage

58)    Slavery, forced labour, involuntary servitude, involuntary restraint and/or use of time or the expectation that Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD should labour for nothing or what someone else dictates.

626 oz. gold per Usage 

59)    Any act of  discrimination, prejudice, bias, unfairness or racism against Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD

626 oz. gold per Usage

60)    kidnapping, abduction, seizure, restraining, confinement, assault in any shape or form against Leon-Robert: Duffus

626 oz. gold per Usage

61)    under threat duress and intimidation (UDI), coercion, bullying, cruel treatment, evil intents towards Leon-Robert: Duffus  

626 oz. gold per Usage 

62)    conspiracy(ies), secret plan(s), persecution(s) or agreement between two or more people to commit criminal, vindictive, illegal and/or unlawful acts against Leon-Robert: Duffus  and/or LRD

626 oz. gold per Usage 

63)    any act(s), talk(s), audio(s), video(s), photo(s) or print(s) that is/are malicious in nature or may damage, humiliate, embarrass the good reputation of Leon-Robert: Duffus and/or LRD such as but not limited to, defamation, slander, depravation of character, propaganda, gossip, misinformation, false information, rumours, hearsay, false charges, lies, fabrications and insults

626 oz. gold per Usage 

64)    Attempt to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus incarnate as the flesh and blood man created by God see including but not limited to attempting to remove any samples of the flesh, blood, urine, faecal matter, breath, saliva, hair, skin or anything that is or has been a part of or inside of Leon-Robert: Duffus

3750 oz. gold per Usage and 3750 oz. gold per micro gram

65)    Attempt to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus any attempt to subject Leon-Robert: Duffus to any type of physical, emotional, mental, or any other type of assessment, test, or evaluation.

3750 oz. gold per Usage

66)    Attempt to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus by interfering with Leon-Robert: Duffus access to Leon-Robert: Duffus dominion(s), any place(s), people, Person(s), or anything else.

3750 oz. gold per day

67)    Collecting any fees, taxes, payments or settlements for any PPC and/or User(s)

3750 oz. gold per ounce of gold value collected

68)    Damages against LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus abuses, bad actions, crimes,

3750 oz. gold per day

69)    Uttering or writing fraudulent, misleading or, false  documents to or about LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

626 oz. gold per Usage 

70)    Erroneous LRD debts reported by any Credit Reporting Agency(ies), such as but not limited to Equifax and/or Experian.   User(s) reporting such debts to any Credit Reporting Agency(ies).

4oz. gold per day per error and triple Costs and an amount equal to the amount of indebtedness mistakenly reported

71)    Eavesdropping, investigating, monitoring, spying on, bugging of LRD and/or Leon-Robert: Duffus

12.5 oz. gold per day, (c) and (tm) infringements extra

72)    Fees for initial setup and processing of all forms and documents plus time 

1/2 oz. gold per setup and 1/10 oz. gold per page

73)    Loss of business and/or trade due to any form of ban(s) or hindrance(s) that may at any time be in force or effect that hinder or ban LRD or Leon-Robert: Duffus in any way, shape or form.

3750 oz. gold per day

74)    Receiving and/or storage fees for mail or anything else from PPC and/or User(s) that was not asked for by LRD or wanted, including but not limited to e-mails, parked cars and/or obstructions, junk mail.

1/2 oz. gold per item per day

75)    Death and/or dissolution of  LRD caused by PPC and/or User(s)

11300000 oz. gold per Usage

76)    Search of LRD Property(ies) and/or search of Leon-Robert: Duffus

3750 oz. gold per Usage

77)    Making Offer(s) to do business with Leon-Robert: Duffus

4oz. gold per Usage


Due to the sensitivity of the issue and dramatic increase in commercial crimes, telephone scams by con artists and all kinds of criminals, LRD feels sure User(s) and/or PCC can appreciate LRD mutual concern not to let personal details become known to such people. LRD will not accept nor discuss any business on the telephone, by fax, e-mails or any other unprofessional method other than by registered mail, and will reply to User(s) and/or PCC personally in the same manner. By Notice all User(s) and/or PCC and all third party Agents are on Notice that all communications MUST be by registered mail only.


Common Law Copy-claim Copyright-© ™ and trademarks by the Author LEON ROBERT DUFFUS , LRD 2001-2009.  All rights reserved and no part of this document may be used or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the Priority Claimant Leon-Robert: Duffus, or the Secured Party LEON ROBERT DUFFUS ©™ 2001-2009. Any person/party wishing to use this document may do so on the strict conditions that such User(s) and/or PCC(s) write to LRD by registered mail post or courier such as FedEx or UPS to GREG NWOSU, The Undersigned Manager; General Delivery in the care of Post Office Box 64456; Near [SE17 9AP], England de jure. for further information or to request authorization for the use of this document, any Proprietary Property or STEPP from LRD, such authorization which may or may not be granted.  User(s) and/or PCC shall apply and state their intensions for the usage of any and all LRD property such as but not limited to this document/notice in their communications with LRD by registered mail post or courier such as FedEx or UPS only.


Notice to the Principal is Notice to all Agents and Third Parties, and Notice to any Agent or Third Party is Notice to the Principal.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all User(s) and/or PCC for showing an interest in LRD products, services and STEPP, LRD shall look forward to any new business opportunities with honourable User(s) and/or PCC offering/choosing to do business with LRD.

Any User(s) and/or entity or flesh and blood man or woman having any concern with any claim(s) made herein, refutes with evidence that Leon-Robert: Duffus is not a living breathing, flesh and blood man created by God with unlimited rights and freedoms given by God, must send any such evidence to GREG NWOSU, The Undersigned Manager; General Delivery in the care of Post Office Box 64456; Near [SE17 9AP], England de jure, within thirty (30) days from the date of the first posting of this Good Faith Public Notice on this website, or forever accept the claims as stated in this Good Faith Public Notice as fact. Thereafter; Undersigned Manager will act and have regards only for claims sent and filed to Undersigned Manager on or before 27th August, 2009.and Undersigned Manager shall not be liable to any party or legal fiction entities whose claims have been sent after the 27th August,  2009.

Dated this day 28th August, 2009.

Send all correspondence to:  “GREG NWOSU, The Undersigned Manager; General Delivery in the care of Post Office Box 64456; Near [SE17 9AP], England de jure” 

Public Notice: _SECURAFS_LRD_280709_ver_1



 Man is male and female in the bible so the body is just the physical part

"before legal memory" from Common law dictionary #4 def pg 69 "custom" - an unwritten law established by long usage.  ..to be recognized by law , the custom must have existed "before legal memory" (before 1189, the first year of the reign of Richard 1). Party alleging the custom must prove it.

Man is male and female in the Bible so the body is just the physical part see Genesis 1:26-29 in section 1.1 “Leon-Robert: Duffus

 See "Fair and valuable consideration" means: a class of consideration upon which a promise may be founded, which entitles the promisee to enforce his claim against an unwilling promisor.  A gain or loss to either party is not essential, it is sufficient if the party in whose favour the contract is made parts with a right which he might otherwise exert.  Mutual promises in a contract is sufficient.


  See above - …which entitles the promisee to enforce his claim against an unwilling promisor.  A gain or loss to either party is not essential, it is sufficient if the party in whose favour the contract is made parts with a right which he might otherwise exert